News for HTML::Embperl
4. Dec 2000
After nearly a year of beta test, the final 1.3.0 release is out. Beside a lot of enhancements, EmbperlObject which allows you to build your web site out of small reusable objects in a OO-style, is the main improvement since 1.2.1.
1. Dec 2000
The slides from my talk on the O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention are now available at .
15. Nov 2000
Embperl 1.3b7 released
18. Oct 2000
Embperl 1.3b6 released
20. Aug 2000
Embperl 1.3b5 released
17. July 2000
Embperl 1.3b4 released
22. Juni 2000
On the O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention there is again a talk about Embperl Embperl - From Embedding Perl into HTML to Objects and XML
Slides are available at
26. May 2000
Embperl RPMs available
26. Apr 2000
Embperl 1.3b3 released
25. Apr 2000
Perlmonth starts a new article series about Embperl
16. Apr 2000
Added page about syntaxfiles for various editors
20. Mar 2000
Embperl now has it's own Mailinglist
13. Mar 2000
Tallyman is a free content management and shopping system based on Embperl
13. Mar 2000
Apache::iNcom is a free Web E-Commerce Application Framework based on Embperl.
11. Feb 2000
Embperl 1.3b2 released. This release contains the new EmbperlObject which really simplify building a website out of small reusable pieces
5. Jan 2000
Embperl 1.2.1 released
20. Dec 99
Added Introduction to DBIx::Recordset
4. Dec 99
Added Page with WorldWide Mirrors
17. Nov 99
Embperl 1.2.0 released
4. Nov 99
Embperl 1.2b11 released
7. Oct 99
Embperl 1.2b10 released
10. Sept 99
Embperl 1.2b9 released
10. Sept 99
Embperl 1.2b9 released
9. Sept 99
Embperl 1.2b8 released
8. Sept 99
German Embperl Website is online
30. Aug 99
Embperl 1.2b7 released
19. Aug 99
Embperl 1.2b6 released
12. Aug 99
Article in german Unix magazine iX 9/99 about Embperl and DBIx::Recordset
May/April/June 99
Perlmonth has a column about Embperl
5. July 99
Embperl 1.2b5 released
1. July 99
On the O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention there are two talks about Embperl Embperl and DBIx::Recordset -- How to Easily Build a Database Driven Web Site
New Stuff: Embedding Perl