Net::Webdav - Perl interface to Neon HTTP and WebDAV client library
use Net::Webdav ;
$sess = Net::Webdav -> new ;
$sess -> server ("", 80) ;
$sess -> get ("/", STDOUT) ;
$sess -> put ("/dav/foo.htm", STDIN) ;
# remove property 'test3'
# set value of property 'test' to 'bar'
@props = (
{ name => {nspace => 'DAV:', name => 'test3'}, type => 1},
{ name => {nspace => 'DAV:', name => 'test'}, value => 'bar'},
) ;
$sess -> dav_proppatch ("/dav/foo.htm", \@props) ;
sub iterator
my ($userdata, $propname, $propvalue, $propstatus) = @_ ;
print "propfind userdata = $userdata nspace = $propname->{nspace} name = $propname->{name} value = $propvalue\n" ;
return 0 ;
sub callback
my ($userdata, $href, $results) = @_ ;
print "propfind callback userdata = $userdata href = $href\n" ;
$results -> iterate (\&iterator) ;
$sess -> dav_simple_propfind ("/dav", DAV_DEPTH_ONE, undef, \&callback) ;
print "Status: ", $sess -> get_error , "\n" ;
This is the Perl interface to the neon HTTP and WebDAV client library. Most of the documentation is automaticly generated from the C header files of neon. So it looks a little bit C-ish, but is better than nothing. See also the examples in the eg directory. If you not sure how it works consult the neon include files.
This document describes the function that are availabe. Net::Webdav::Constants includes the constants defined by neon.
The neon API is encapsultated in a number of Perl classes. Everything that doesn't fit in a class has gone to Net::Webdav::Util. (Maybe some of these function will move to other classes in the future)
The clases are
- Net::Webdav
Main class which holds a http session
- Net::Webdav::MultiStatus
Class to handle 207 responses
- Net::Webdav::Hip
Interface to XML parser for properties
- Net::Webdav::Lock
Holds a lock
- Net::Webdav::LockSession
Holds a lock session
- Net::Webdav::Propfind
Class to access the result of a PROPFIND
- Net::Webdav::Propset
Class to acess properties of one resource
- Net::Webdav::Request
Low level interface to http request
- Net::Webdav::MD5
MD5 checksum
- Net::Webdav::SSL
SSL support
- Net::Webdav::Socket
Low level socket access
WARNING: This wrapper is alpha code, while neon is around for some time and stable to use, not all of the interface functions provided by this Perl module has been tested extensivly, but most of them should work without problems (At least they do it for me :-).
See in the eg directory for some examples.
Neon uses a lot off callbacks. Basicly there is no difference between using callbacks in Perl and C. The only thing that is different, is that the functions that sets the callbacks doesn't take the userdata
argument, which is used in C to pass a pointer to the callback. Instead, the callback get the reference to the object that sets the callback, pass as the userdata argument. This object is a hashreference and you are free to store data in that hash. The only restriction is, that key starting with two underscores ('__') are reserved for Net::Webdav internal use. Example:
sub datehdr
my ($userdata, $value) = @_ ;
$userdata -> {date} = $value ;
$sess = Net::Webdav -> new ;
$sess -> server ("", 80) ;
$request = $sess -> request_create ("HEAD", "/") ;
# install callback which gets only Date header
$request -> add_response_header_handler ('Date', \&datehdr) ;
$request -> begin_request ;
$request -> end_request ;
print "Date: $request->{date}\n" ;
The C-structures that neon uses are always mapped 1:1 into a Perl hash. The members of the Perl hash are shown in the argument list of the function between { and } The function argument lists, also list the C datatype to which it map, so you can checkout the neon docs and include files for more informations.
Methods of Net::Webdav
$session -> add_hooks (hooks,free_cookie)
Add in hooks. 'cookie' will be passed to each call to the 'create' handler of the hooks. If 'free_hooks' is non-NULL, it will called when the session is destroyed, to free any data associated with 'cookie'.
- Arguments
int = $session -> dav_copy (overwrite,src,dest)
Basic WebDAV methods: dav_copy: copy resoure from src to dest dav_move: move resource from src to dest -> if overwrite is non-zero, the destination resource will be overwritten if it exists. dav_delete: delete resource at uri dav_mkcol: create a collection at uri (uri MUST have a trailing slash).
- Arguments
int = $session -> dav_delete (uri)
int = $session -> dav_lock ($davlock)
Issue a LOCK request for the given lock.
int = $session -> dav_lock_discover (uri,result)
Perform lock discovery on the given URI. 'result' is called with the results (possibly >1 times).
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- uri
- Callback function: result
result (userdata,$davlock,uri,status)
Callback for lock discovery. If 'lock' is NULL, something went wrong retrieving lockdiscover for the resource, look at 'status' for the details.
- userdata
void *
- lock
const struct dav_lock *
- uri
- status
const http_status *
$davlocksession = $session -> dav_lock_register ()
Register the locking hooks with an http_session. Owned locks persist for the duration of this session. The lock session lasts exactly as long as the corresponding http_session. Once you call http_session_destroy(sess), any use of the lock session has undefined results.
int = $session -> dav_mkcol (uri)
int = $session -> dav_move (overwrite,src,dest)
- Arguments
$propfind = $session -> dav_propfind_create (uri,depth)
int = $session -> dav_propnames (href,depth,results)
Retrieve property names for the resources at 'href'. 'results' callback is called for each resource. Use 'dav_propset_iterate' on the passed results object to retrieve the list of property names.
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- href
- depth
- Callback function: results
results (userdata,href,$propset)
Callback for handling the results of fetching properties for a single resource (named by 'href'). The results are stored in the result set 'results': use dav_propset_* to examine this object.
- userdata
void *
- href
- results
const dav_prop_result_set *
int = $session -> dav_proppatch (uri,items)
- Arguments
int = $session -> dav_simple_propfind (uri,depth,props,results)
Fetch properties for a resource (if depth == DAV_DEPTH_ZERO), or a tree of resources (if depth == DAV_DEPTH_ONE or _INFINITE).
Names of the properties required must be given in 'props', or if props is NULL, *all* properties are fetched.
'results' is called for each resource in the response, userdata is passed as the first argument to the callback. It is important to note that the callback is called as the response is read off the socket, so don't do anything silly in it (e.g. sleep(100), or call any functions which use this session).
Note that if 'depth' is DAV_DEPTH_INFINITY, some servers may refuse the request.
Returns HTTP_*.
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- uri
- depth
- props
const dav_propname *
props = { nspace => <string>, name => <string>, };
- Callback function: results
results (userdata,href,$propset)
Callback for handling the results of fetching properties for a single resource (named by 'href'). The results are stored in the result set 'results': use dav_propset_* to examine this object.
- userdata
void *
- href
- results
const dav_prop_result_set *
int = $session -> dav_simple_request ($request)
Handle a simple WebDAV request.
Usage: 1. Create the request using http_request_create() 2. Set any headers, the request body, whatever. 3. Call dav_simple_request to dispatch and destroy the request.
(note the request IS destroyed by this function, don't do it yourself).
Returns HTTP_* as http_request_dispatch() would. If the response is a 207, a user-friendly error message is written to the session error buffer; e.g. DELETE /foo/ might give the error: /foo/bar: HTTP/1.1 423 Locked
int = $session -> dav_unlock ($davlock)
Issue an UNLOCK request for the given lock
$session -> decide_proxy (use_proxy)
Register the callback for determining whether the proxy server should be used or not here. 'userdata' will be passed as the first argument to the callback. The callback is only called if a proxy server has been set up using http_session_proxy.
This function MUST be called before calling http_session_server.
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- Callback function: use_proxy
int = use_proxy (userdata,scheme,hostname)
Callback to determine whether the proxy server should be used or not for a request to the given hostname using the given scheme. Scheme will be "http" or "https" etc. Must return: Zero to indicate the proxy should NOT be used Non-zero to indicate the proxy SHOULD be used.
- userdata
void *
- scheme
- hostname
int = $session -> destroy ()
Finish an HTTP session
$session -> forget_auth ()
Clear any stored authentication details for the given session.
int = $session -> get (uri,f)
GET resource at uri, writing response body into f
const char * = $session -> get_error ()
int = $session -> get_range (uri,range,f)
- Arguments
const char * = $session -> get_scheme ()
Returns the URL scheme being used for the current session. Does NOT include a trailing ':'. Example returns: "http" or "https".
const char * = $session -> get_server_hostport ()
Returns the 'hostport' URI segment for the end-server, e.g. "" or "" (port segment is ommitted if == 80)
int = $session -> getmodtime (uri,modtime)
Retrieve modification time of resource at uri, place in *modtime. (uses HEAD)
void * = $session -> hook_private (id)
Return private data for the session
int = $session -> options (uri,caps)
Determines server capabilities (using OPTIONS). Pass uri="*" to determine proxy server capabilities if using a proxy server.
- Arguments
int = $session -> post (uri,f,buffer)
Post using buffer as request-body: stream response into f
- Arguments
int = $session -> proxy (hostname,port)
int = $session -> put (uri,f)
PUT resource at uri, reading request body from f
int = $session -> put_if_unmodified (uri,stream,modtime)
PUT resource at uri as above, only if it has not been modified since given modtime. If server is HTTP/1.1, uses If-Unmodified-Since header; guaranteed failure if resource is modified after 'modtime'. If server is HTTP/1.0, HEAD's the resource first to fetch current modtime; race condition if resource is modified between HEAD and PUT.
- Arguments
int = $session -> read_file (uri,reader)
GET resource at uri, passing response body blocks to 'reader'
- Arguments
const char * = $session -> redirect_location ()
Return location of last redirect.
$session -> redirect_register (confirm,notify)
Register redirect handling for the given session. Some redirect responses will be automatically followed. If the redirect is automatically followed, the 'notify' callback is called. For redirects which are NOT automatically followed, the 'confirm' callback is called: if this returns zero, the redirect is ignored.
'confirm' may be passed as NULL: in this case, only automatic redirects are followed. 'notify' may also be passed as NULL, automatic redirects are still followed.
'userdata' is passed as the first argument to the confirm and notify callbacks.
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- Callback function: confirm
int = confirm (userdata,src,dest)
Get confirmation from the user that a redirect from URI 'src' to URI 'dest' is acceptable. Should return: Non-Zero to FOLLOW the redirect Zero to NOT follow the redirect
- userdata
void *
- src
- dest
- Callback function: notify
notify (userdata,src,dest)
Notify the user that a redirect has been automatically followed from URI 'src' to URI 'dest'
- userdata
void *
- src
- dest
$request = $session -> request_create (method,uri)
int = $session -> server (hostname,port)
Set the server or proxy server to be used for the session. Returns: HTTP_LOOKUP if the DNS lookup for hostname failed. HTTP_OK otherwise.
Note that if a proxy is being used, http_session_proxy should be called BEFORE http_session_server, so the DNS lookup can be skipped on the server.
int = $session -> set_accept_secure_upgrade (acc_upgrade)
$session -> set_error (errstring)
Set the error string for the session
$session -> set_expect100 (use_expect100)
Set protocol options for session: expect100: Defaults to OFF persist: Defaults to ON
expect100: When set, send the "Expect: 100-continue" request header with requests with bodies.
persist: When set, use a persistent connection. (Generally, you don't want to turn this off.)
$session -> set_persist (persist)
$session -> set_progress (progress)
Set a progress callback for the session.
- Arguments
$session -> set_proxy_auth (callback)
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- Callback function: callback
int = callback (userdata,realm,username,password)
The callback used to request the username and password in the given realm. The username and password must be placed in malloc()-allocated memory. Must return: 0 on success: *username and *password must be non-NULL, and will be free'd by the HTTP layer when necessary -1 to cancel (*username and *password are ignored.)
- userdata
void *
- realm
- username
char **
- password
char **
int = $session -> set_request_secure_upgrade (req_upgrade)
int = $session -> set_secure (secure)
$session -> set_secure_context ($ssl)
Using SSL/TLS connections:
Session settings: secure: Defaults to OFF secure_context: No callbacks, any protocol allowed. request_secure_upgrade: Defaults to OFF accept_secure_ugprade: Defaults to OFF
secure_context: When set, specifies the settings to use for secure connections, and any callbacks (see nsocket.h). The lifetime of the context object must be >= to the lifetime of the session object.
secure: When set, use a secure (SSL/TLS) connection to the origin server. This will tunnel (using CONNECT) through the proxy server if one is being used.
request_secure_upgrade: When set, notify the server with each request made that an upgrade to a secure connection is desired, if available.
accept_secure_upgrade: When set, allow a server-requested upgrade to a secure connection.
NB: the latter three function calls will return -1 if SSL is not supported by the library (i.e., it was not built against OpenSSL), or 0 if it is.
$session -> set_server_auth (callback)
Set callbacks to handle server and proxy authentication. userdata is passed as the first argument to the callback.
- Arguments
- $session
http_session *
**** Session Handling *****
- Callback function: callback
int = callback (userdata,realm,username,password)
The callback used to request the username and password in the given realm. The username and password must be placed in malloc()-allocated memory. Must return: 0 on success: *username and *password must be non-NULL, and will be free'd by the HTTP layer when necessary -1 to cancel (*username and *password are ignored.)
- userdata
void *
- realm
- username
char **
- password
char **
$session -> set_status (status)
Set a status notification callback for the session, to report connection status.
- Arguments
$session -> set_useragent (product)
Sets the user-agent string. neon/VERSION will be appended, to make the full header "User-Agent: product neon/VERSION". If this function is not called, the User-Agent header is not sent. The product string must follow the RFC2616 format, i.e. product = token ["/" product-version] product-version = token where token is any alpha-numeric-y string [a-zA-Z0-9]*
int = $session -> version_pre_http11 ()
Determine if next-hop server claims HTTP/1.1 compliance. Returns: 0 if next-hop server does NOT claim HTTP/1.1 compliance non-zero if next-hop server DOES claim HTTP/1.1 compliance Not that the "next-hop" server is the proxy server if one is being used, otherwise, the origin server.
Methods of Net::Webdav::Hip
$multstatus = $hip -> dav_207_create ()
Create a 207 parser
int = $hip -> xml_currentline ()
Return current parse line for errors
$hip -> xml_destroy ()
Destroys the parser. Any operations on it then have undefined results.
const char * = $hip -> xml_get_error ()
$hip -> xml_parse (block,len)
Parse the given block of input of length len. Block does not need to be NULL-terminated.
$hip -> xml_push_handler (elements,validate_cb,startelm_cb,endelm_cb)
Push a handler onto the handler stack for the given list of elements. elements must be an array, with the last element .nspace being NULL. Callbacks are called in order: 1. validate_cb 2. startelm_cb 3. endelm_cb (then back to the beginning again). If any of the callbacks ever return non-zero, the parse will STOP. userdata is passed as the first argument to startelm_cb and endelm_cb.
- Arguments
- $hip
hip_xml_parser *
- elements
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- validate_cb
Validate a new child element.
- Callback function: startelm_cb
int = startelm_cb (userdata,elm,atts)
- userdata
void *
- elm
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- atts
const char **
- Callback function: endelm_cb
int = endelm_cb (userdata,s,cdata)
Called when a complete element is parsed
- userdata
void *
- s
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- cdata
$hip -> xml_push_mixed_handler (elements,validate_cb,startelm_cb,cdata_cb,endelm_cb)
Add a handler which uses a mixed-mode cdata callback
- Arguments
- $hip
hip_xml_parser *
- elements
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- validate_cb
Validate a new child element.
- Callback function: startelm_cb
int = startelm_cb (userdata,elm,atts)
- userdata
void *
- elm
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- atts
const char **
- Callback function: cdata_cb
cdata_cb (userdata,s,cdata,len)
- userdata
void *
- s
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- cdata
- len
- Callback function: endelm_cb
int = endelm_cb (userdata,s,cdata)
Called when a complete element is parsed
- userdata
void *
- s
const struct hip_xml_elm *
- cdata
$hip -> xml_set_error (msg)
Set error message for parser
int = $hip -> xml_valid ()
Returns non-zero if the parse was valid, zero if it failed (e.g., any of the callbacks return non-zero, the XML was not well-formed, etc). Use hip_xml_get_error to retrieve the error message if it failed.
Methods of Net::Webdav::Lock
$davlock = $davlock -> copy ()
Deep-copy a lock structure.
$davlock -> free ()
Free a lock structure
Methods of Net::Webdav::LockSession
$davlocksession -> add ($davlock)
Add a lock to the given session. The lock will subsequently be submitted as required in an If: header with any requests created using the http_session which the lock session is tied to. Requests indicate to the locking layer which locks they might need using dav_lock_using_*, as described below.
$davlock = $davlocksession -> find (uri)
Find a lock in the session with given URI
int = $davlocksession -> iterate (func)
For each lock added to the session, call func, passing the lock and the given userdata. Returns the number of locks. func may be pass as NULL, in which case, can be used to simply return number of locks in the session.
- Arguments
$davlocksession -> remove ($davlock)
Remove lock, which must have been previously added to the session using 'dav_lock_add' above.
Methods of Net::Webdav::MD5
void * = $md5ctx -> finish_ctx (resbuf)
$md5ctx -> init_ctx ()
Methods of Net::Webdav::MultiStatus
$multstatus -> destroy ()
void * = $multstatus -> get_current_propstat ()
void * = $multstatus -> get_current_response ()
$multstatus -> ignore_unknown ()
Call this as the LAST thing before beginning parsing, to install a catch-all handler which means all unknown XML returned in the 207 response is ignored gracefully.
$multstatus -> set_propstat_handlers (start,end)
- Arguments
$multstatus -> set_response_handlers (start,end)
Set the callbacks for the parser
- Arguments
- $multstatus
dav_207_parser *
- start
TODO: do we need to pass userdata to ALL of these? We could get away with only passing the userdata to the start_'s and relying on the caller to send it through as the _start return value if they need it.
- Callback function: end
end (userdata,response,status_line,status,description)
- userdata
void *
- response
void *
- status_line
- status
const http_status *
- description
Methods of Net::Webdav::Propfind
int = $propfind -> allprop (result)
Find all properties.
Returns HTTP_*.
- Arguments
- $propfind
dav_propfind_handler *
- Callback function: result
result (userdata,href,$propset)
Callback for handling the results of fetching properties for a single resource (named by 'href'). The results are stored in the result set 'results': use dav_propset_* to examine this object.
- userdata
void *
- href
- results
const dav_prop_result_set *
void * = $propfind -> current_private ()
Retrieve the 'private' pointer for the current propset for the given handler, as returned by the dav_props_create_complex callback installed using 'dav_propfind_set_private'. If this callback was not registered, this function will return NULL.
$propfind -> destroy ()
Destroy a propfind handler after use.
$hip = $propfind -> get_parser ()
Return the XML parser for the given handler (only need if you want to handle complex properties).
$request = $propfind -> get_request ()
Return the request object for the given handler. You MUST NOT use http_set_request_body_* on this request object. (this call is only needed if for instance, you want to add extra headers to the PROPFIND request).
int = $propfind -> named (prop,result)
Find properties named in a call to dav_propfind_set_flat and/or dav_propfind_set_complex.
Returns HTTP_*.
- Arguments
- $propfind
dav_propfind_handler *
- prop
const dav_propname *
prop = { nspace => <string>, name => <string>, };
- Callback function: result
result (userdata,href,$propset)
Callback for handling the results of fetching properties for a single resource (named by 'href'). The results are stored in the result set 'results': use dav_propset_* to examine this object.
- userdata
void *
- href
- results
const dav_prop_result_set *
$propfind -> set_private (creator,userdata)
- Arguments
- $propfind
dav_propfind_handler *
- creator
A "complex property" has a value which is structured XML. To handle complex properties, you must set up and register an XML handler which will understand the elements which make up such properties. The handler must be registered with the parser returned by 'dav_propfind_get_parser'.
To store the parsed value of the property, a 'private' structure is allocated in each propset (i.e. one per resource). When parsing the property value elements, for each new resource encountered in the response, the 'creator' callback is called to retrieve a 'private' structure for this resource.
Whilst in XML element callbacks you will have registered to handle complex properties, you can use the 'dav_propfind_current_private' call to retrieve the pointer to this private structure.
To retrieve this 'private' structure from the propset in the results callback, simply call 'dav_propset_private'.
- userdata
void *
Methods of Net::Webdav::Propset
int = $propset -> iterate (iterator)
Iterate over all the properties in 'set', calling 'iterator' for each, passing 'userdata' as the first argument to callback.
Returns: whatever value iterator returns.
- Arguments
- $propset
const dav_prop_result_set *
The 'dav_simple_propfind' interface. ***
dav_simple_propfind allows you to fetch a set of properties for a single resource, or a tree of resources. You set the operation going by passing these arguments:
- the session which should be used. - the URI and the depth of the operation (0, 1, infinite) - the names of the properties which you want to fetch - a results callback, and the userdata for the callback.
For each resource found, the results callback is called, passing you two things along with the userdata you passed in originally:
- the URI of the resource (const char *href) - the properties results set (const dav_prop_result_set *results)
- Callback function: iterator
int = iterator (userdata,pname,value,status)
dav_propset_iterate iterates over a properties result set, calling the callback for each property in the set. userdata is passed as the first argument to the callback. value may be NULL, indicating an error occurred fetching this property: look at status for the error in that case.
If the iterator returns non-zero, dav_propset_iterate will return immediately with that value.
- userdata
void *
- pname
const dav_propname *
- value
- status
const http_status *
const char * = $propset -> lang (pname)
Return language string of property (may be NULL).
- Arguments
- $propset
const dav_prop_result_set *
The 'dav_simple_propfind' interface. ***
dav_simple_propfind allows you to fetch a set of properties for a single resource, or a tree of resources. You set the operation going by passing these arguments:
- the session which should be used. - the URI and the depth of the operation (0, 1, infinite) - the names of the properties which you want to fetch - a results callback, and the userdata for the callback.
For each resource found, the results callback is called, passing you two things along with the userdata you passed in originally:
- the URI of the resource (const char *href) - the properties results set (const dav_prop_result_set *results)
- pname
const dav_propname *
pname = { nspace => <string>, name => <string>, };
void * = $propset -> private ()
Returns the private pointer for the given propset.
- Arguments
- $propset
const dav_prop_result_set *
The 'dav_simple_propfind' interface. ***
dav_simple_propfind allows you to fetch a set of properties for a single resource, or a tree of resources. You set the operation going by passing these arguments:
- the session which should be used. - the URI and the depth of the operation (0, 1, infinite) - the names of the properties which you want to fetch - a results callback, and the userdata for the callback.
For each resource found, the results callback is called, passing you two things along with the userdata you passed in originally:
- the URI of the resource (const char *href) - the properties results set (const dav_prop_result_set *results)
const http_status * = $propset -> status (propname)
Returns the status structure for fetching the given property on this resource. This function will return NULL if the server did not return the property (which is a server error).
- Arguments
- $propset
const dav_prop_result_set *
The 'dav_simple_propfind' interface. ***
dav_simple_propfind allows you to fetch a set of properties for a single resource, or a tree of resources. You set the operation going by passing these arguments:
- the session which should be used. - the URI and the depth of the operation (0, 1, infinite) - the names of the properties which you want to fetch - a results callback, and the userdata for the callback.
For each resource found, the results callback is called, passing you two things along with the userdata you passed in originally:
- the URI of the resource (const char *href) - the properties results set (const dav_prop_result_set *results)
- propname
const dav_propname *
propname = { nspace => <string>, name => <string>, };
const char * = $propset -> value (propname)
Get the value of a given property. Will return NULL if there was an error fetching this property on this resource. Call dav_propset_result to get the response-status if so.
- Arguments
- $propset
const dav_prop_result_set *
The 'dav_simple_propfind' interface. ***
dav_simple_propfind allows you to fetch a set of properties for a single resource, or a tree of resources. You set the operation going by passing these arguments:
- the session which should be used. - the URI and the depth of the operation (0, 1, infinite) - the names of the properties which you want to fetch - a results callback, and the userdata for the callback.
For each resource found, the results callback is called, passing you two things along with the userdata you passed in originally:
- the URI of the resource (const char *href) - the properties results set (const dav_prop_result_set *results)
- propname
const dav_propname *
propname = { nspace => <string>, name => <string>, };
Methods of Net::Webdav::Request
$request -> add_request_header (name,value)
Adds a header to the request with given name and value.
$request -> add_response_body_reader (accpt,rdr)
Add a response reader for the given request, with the given acceptance function. userdata is passed as the first argument to the acceptance + reader callbacks.
- Arguments
- $request
http_req *
- Callback function: accpt
int = accpt (userdata,$request,st)
'acceptance' callback type. Return non-zero to accept the response, else zero to ignore it.
- userdata
void *
- req
http_req *
- st
http_status *
- Callback function: rdr
rdr (userdata,buf,len)
The 'reader' callback type
- userdata
void *
- buf
- len
$request -> add_response_header_catcher (hdl)
Add handler which is passed ALL header values regardless of name
- Arguments
$request -> add_response_header_handler (name,hdl)
Adds a response header handler for the given request. userdata is passed as the first argument to the header handler, and the 'value' is the header field value (i.e. doesn't include the "Header-Name: " part").
- Arguments
int = $request -> begin_request ()
$request -> dav_add_depth_header (depth)
Adds a Depth: header to a request
$request -> dav_lock_using_parent (uri)
Indicate that this request will modify parent collection of given URI
$request -> dav_lock_using_resource (uri,depth)
Indicate that this request is of depth n on given uri
int = $request -> end_request ()
sbuffer = $request -> get_request_headers ()
const http_status * = $request -> get_status ()
ssize_t = $request -> read_response_block (buffer,buflen)
$request -> request_destroy ()
Destroy memory associated with request pointer
int = $request -> request_dispatch ()
http_request_dispatch: Sends the given request, and reads the response. Response-Status information can be retrieve with http_get_status(req).
Returns: HTTP_OK if request sent + response read okay. HTTP_AUTH if user authentication failed on origin server HTTP_AUTHPROXY if user authentication failed on proxy server HTTP_SERVERAUTH server authentication failed HTTP_PROXYAUTH proxy authentication failed HTTP_CONNECT could not connect to server/proxy server HTTP_TIMEOUT connection timed out mid-request HTTP_ERROR for other errors, and http_get_error() should return a meaningful error string
NB: HTTP_AUTH and HTTP_AUTHPROXY mean that the USER supplied the wrong username/password. SERVER/PROXYAUTH mean that, after the server has accepted a valid username/password, the server/proxy did not authenticate the response message correctly.
void * = $request -> request_hook_private (id)
Return private data for a new request
$request -> set_request_body_buffer (buffer,size)
'buffer' will be sent as the request body with given request.
$request -> set_request_body_provider (size,provider)
Callback is called to provide blocks of request body.
- Arguments
- $request
http_req *
- size
- Callback function: provider
size_t = provider (userdata,buffer,buflen)
Callback for providing request body blocks.
Before each time the body is provided, the callback will be called once with buflen == 0. The body may have to be provided >1 time per request (for authentication retries etc.).
Must return: 0 < x <= buflen => buffer contains x bytes of body data. or 0 => ignore 'buffer' contents, end of body.
- userdata
void *
- buffer
- buflen
int = $request -> set_request_body_stream (stream)
Contents of stream will be sent as the request body with the given request. Returns: 0 on okay. non-zero if could not determine length of file.
Methods of Net::Webdav::SSL
$ssl -> destroy_ssl_context ()
$ssl -> disable_sslv2 ()
$ssl -> disable_sslv3 ()
$ssl -> disable_tlsv1 ()
$ssl -> set_cert_accept (accepter)
- Arguments
int = $ssl -> set_client_cert (certfile,keyfile)
For PEM-encoded client certificates: use the given client certificate and private key file. Returns: 0 if certificate is read okay, non-zero otherwise.
For decoding the private key file, the callback above will be used to prompt for the password. If no callback has been set, then the OpenSSL default will be used: the prompt appears on the terminal.
$ssl -> set_key_prompt (prompt)
- Arguments
- $ssl
nssl_context *
- Callback function: prompt
int = prompt (userdata,filename,buf,buflen)
Callback for retrieving the private key password. Filename will be the filename of the private key file. Must return: 0 on success. buf must be filled in with the password. non-zero if the user cancelled the prompt.
FIXME: this is inconsistent with the HTTP authentication callbacks.
- userdata
void *
- filename
- buf
- buflen
Methods of Net::Webdav::Socket
int = $socket -> block (timeout)
Blocks waiting for data on the given socket for the given time. Returns: SOCK_* on error, SOCK_TIMEOUT on no data within timeout, 0 if data arrived on the socket.
$socket -> call_progress (progress,total)
int = $socket -> close ()
Closes the socket and frees the nsocket object.
int = $socket -> fullread (buffer,buflen)
Reads a chunk of data.
int = $socket -> fullwrite (data,length)
Sends the given block of data down the nsocket
const char * = $socket -> get_error ()
int = $socket -> get_fd ()
Returns the file descriptor used for the socket
const char * = $socket -> get_version ()
int = $socket -> make_secure ($ssl)
Ctx is OPTIONAL. If it is NULL, defaults are used.
int = $socket -> peek (buffer,count)
sock_peek is recv() with a timeout of SOCKET_TIMEOUT. Returns: SOCK_* on error, 0 on no data to read (due to EOF), >0 length of data read into buffer.
int = $socket -> read (buffer,count)
sock_read is read() with a timeout of SOCKET_TIMEOUT. Returns: SOCK_* on error, 0 on no data to read (due to EOF), >0 length of data read into buffer.
int = $socket -> readfile_blocked (length,reader)
Read from socket, passing each block read to reader callback. Pass userdata as first argument to reader callback.
If length is -1, keep going till EOF is returned. SOCK_CLOSED is never returned in this case.
Otherwise, read exactly 'length' bytes. If EOF is encountered before length bytes have been read, and SOCK_CLOSED will be returned.
Returns: 0 on success, SOCK_* on error (SOCK_CLOSED is a special case, as above)
- Arguments
int = $socket -> readline (line,len)
Reads a line from given nsocket
$socket -> register_progress (cb)
- Arguments
int = $socket -> send_string (string)
Sends the null-terminated string down the given nsocket
int = $socket -> sendline (line)
Sends the given line to given socket, CRLF appended
Methods of Net::Webdav::Util
int = Net::Webdav::Util::dav_accept_207 (userdata,$request,status)
An acceptance function which only accepts 207 responses
- Arguments
$hip = Net::Webdav::Util::hip_xml_create ()
Initialise the parser
- Arguments
Net::Webdav::Util::hip_xml_parse_v (userdata,block,len)
As above, casting (hip_xml_parser *)userdata internally. (This function can be passed to http_add_response_body_reader)
- Arguments
- userdata
void *
- block
- len
int = Net::Webdav::Util::http_accept_2xx (userdata,$request,st)
An 'acceptance' callback which only accepts 2xx-class responses. Ignores userdata.
- Arguments
int = Net::Webdav::Util::http_accept_always (userdata,$request,st)
An acceptance callback which accepts all responses. Ignores userdata.
- Arguments
Net::Webdav::Util::http_content_type_handler (userdata,value)
Sets (*http_content_type)userdata appropriately. Caller must free ->value after use
- Arguments
- userdata
void *
- value
time_t = Net::Webdav::Util::http_dateparse (date)
- Arguments
- date
Net::Webdav::Util::http_duplicate_header (userdata,value)
Stock header handlers: 'duplicate': *(char **)userdata = strdup(value) 'numeric': *(int *)userdata = atoi(value) e.g. int mynum; http_add_response_header_handler(myreq, "Content-Length", http_handle_numeric_handler, &mynum); ... arranges mynum to be set to the value of the Content-Length header.
- Arguments
- userdata
void *
- value
Net::Webdav::Util::http_handle_numeric_header (userdata,value)
- Arguments
- userdata
void *
- value
int = Net::Webdav::Util::http_parse_statusline (status_line,s)
Parser for strings which follow the Status-Line grammar from RFC2616. Returns: 0 on success, *s will be filled in. -1 on parse error.
- Arguments
- status_line
- s
http_status *
s = { major_version => <integer>, minor_version => <integer>, code => <integer>, klass => <integer>, reason_phrase => <string>, };
$session = Net::Webdav::Util::http_session_create ()
Create a new HTTP session
- Arguments
time_t = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_asctime_parse (date)
Parses asctime date string
- Arguments
- date
void * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_calloc (len)
- Arguments
- len
void * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_md5_buffer (buffer,len,resblock)
- Arguments
- buffer
- len
- resblock
void *
Net::Webdav::Util::ne_md5_process_block (buffer,len,$md5ctx)
Net::Webdav::Util::ne_md5_process_bytes (buffer,len,$md5ctx)
void * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_md5_read_ctx (ctx,resbuf)
- Arguments
- ctx
const struct ne_md5_ctx *
- resbuf
void *
int = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_md5_stream (stream,resblock)
- Arguments
- stream
- resblock
void *
void * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_realloc (ptr,len)
- Arguments
- ptr
void *
- len
time_t = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_rfc1036_parse (date)
- Arguments
- date
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_rfc1123_date (anytime)
Return current date/time in RFC1123 format
- Arguments
- anytime
time_t = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_rfc1123_parse (date)
Returns time from date/time in RFC1123 format
- Arguments
- date
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_strdup (s)
- Arguments
- s
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_strndup (s,n)
- Arguments
- s
- n
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_utf8_decode (str)
Returns an ne_malloc-allocated UTF-8 decode copy of 'str'. Returns NULL if any of the characters in 'str' are non-8-bit.
- Arguments
- str
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::ne_utf8_encode (str)
Returns an ne_malloc-allocated UTF-8 encoded copy of 'str'.
- Arguments
- str
Net::Webdav::Util::neon_debug_init (stream,mask)
- Arguments
- stream
- mask
Net::Webdav::Util::neon_i18n_init ()
Initialize i18n in neon
- Arguments
int = Net::Webdav::Util::neon_version_minimum (major,minor)
Returns non-zero if the neon API compiled in is less than major.minor. i.e. I am: 1.2 - neon_version_check(1, 3) => -1 I am: 0.10 - neon_version_check(0, 9) => 0
- Arguments
- major
- minor
const char * = Net::Webdav::Util::neon_version_string ()
Returns a user-visible version string like: "neon 0.2.0: Standalone build, OpenSSL support"
- Arguments
Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_altered (buf)
- Arguments
- buf
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_append (buf,data,len)
Append 'len' bytes of 'data' to buf. 'data' does not need to be zero-terminated. The resultant string will have a zero-terminator, either way. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error.
- Arguments
- buf
- data
- len
Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_clear (buf)
Empties the contents of buf; makes the buffer zero-length.
- Arguments
- buf
sbuffer = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_create ()
Create a new sbuffer. Returns NULL on error
- Arguments
sbuffer = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_create_sized (size)
Create a new sbuffer of given minimum size. Returns NULL on error
- Arguments
- size
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_data (buf)
Returns contents of buffer at current point in time. NOTE: if the buffer is modified with _concat, _append etc, this value may no longer be correct.
- Arguments
- buf
Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_destroy (buf)
Destroys (deallocates) a buffer
- Arguments
- buf
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_finish (buf)
Destroys a buffer, WITHOUT freeing the data, and returns the data.
- Arguments
- buf
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_grow (buf,size)
Grows the sbuffer to a minimum size. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error
- Arguments
- buf
- size
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_size (buf)
Returns size of data in buffer, equiv to strlen(sbuffer_data(buf))
- Arguments
- buf
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sbuffer_zappend (buf,str)
Append a zero-terminated string 'str' to buf. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error.
- Arguments
- buf
- str
$socket = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_accept (listener)
Not as good as accept(2), missing parms 2+3. Addings parms 2+3 would probably mean passing socklen_t as an int then casting internally, since we don't really want to autogenerate the header file to be correct for the build platform.
- Arguments
- listener
$ssl = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_create_ssl_context ()
Netscape's prompts on getting a certificate which it doesn't recognize the CA for: 1. Hey, I don't recognize the CA for this cert. 2. Here is the certificate: for foo signed by BLAH, using encryption level BLEE 3. Allow: accept for this session only, don't accept accept forever
- Arguments
Net::Webdav::Util::sock_exit ()
Shutdown the socket library.
- Arguments
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_init ()
Initialize the socket library. If you don't do this, SSL WILL NOT WORK. Returns 0 on success, or non-zero on screwed up SSL library.
- Arguments
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_name_lookup (hostname,addr)
Do a name lookup on given hostname, writes the address into given address buffer. Return -1 on failure.
- Arguments
- hostname
- addr
struct in_addr *
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_service_lookup (name)
Returns the standard TCP port for the given service
- Arguments
- name
int = Net::Webdav::Util::sock_transfer (fd,$socket,readlen)
Reads readlen bytes from fd and writes to socket. (Not all in one go, obviously). If readlen == -1, then it reads from srcfd until EOF. Returns number of bytes written to destfd, or SOCK_* on error.
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_absolute (uri,scheme,hostport)
Returns an absolute URI from a possibly-relative 'uri', using given scheme + hostport segment. Returns malloc-allocated string on success, or NULL on malloc failure.
- Arguments
- uri
- scheme
- hostport
const char * = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_abspath (uri)
Returns abspath segment in (absolute) uri
- Arguments
- uri
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_abspath_escape (abs_path)
Escapes the abspath segment of a URI. Returns malloc-allocated string on success, or NULL on malloc failure.
- Arguments
- abs_path
int = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_childof (parent,child)
Returns non-zero if child is a child of parent
- Arguments
- parent
- child
int = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_compare (a,b)
Returns strcmp-like value giving comparison between a and b, ignoring trailing-slashes.
- Arguments
- a
- b
Net::Webdav::Util::uri_free (parsed)
- Arguments
- parsed
struct uri *
int = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_has_trailing_slash (uri)
Returns non-zero if uri has a trailing slash character
- Arguments
- uri
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_parent (path)
Returns parent of path
- Arguments
- path
int = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_parse (uri,parsed,defaults)
Parse 'uri' and place parsed segments in *parsed.
- Arguments
- uri
- parsed
struct uri *
- defaults
const struct uri *
char * = Net::Webdav::Util::uri_unescape (uri)
Un-escapes a URI. Returns malloc-allocated URI on success, or NULL on failure (malloc failure or invalid %<HEX><HEX> sequence).
- Arguments
- uri
Constants are defined in Net::Webdav::Constants, to get them imported say
use Net::Webdav::Constants ;
User authentication failed on proxy
User authentication failed on proxy
Could not connect to server
Generic error; use http_get_error(session) for message
The precondition failed
Name lookup failed
Proxy authentication failed
See http_redirect.h
Retry request (http_end_request ONLY)
Server authentication failed
Connection timed out
For any problems, suggestion or feedback, please use the neon mailing list
post to: subscribe:
Copyright (c) 2001 Gerald Richter / ecos gmbh (
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Gerald Richter / ecos <>
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 6509:
You can't have =items (as at line 6515) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item
- Around line 6703:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back =head1 See also