svnpush - command line interface for remote Subversion repository push


% svnpush init http://hosta/path http://hostb/path

# run the actual mirroring
% svnpush push http://hosta/path http://hostb/path


svnpush push a repository to another repository or parts of a repository to another repository


init srcurl desturl

Initialize the desturl repository to be pushed from srcurl.

check srcurl desturl

Check if desturl repository was pushed from srcurl and if it is up to date.

push [options] srcurl desturl

Invoke the push of srcurl to desturl

Possible options:

-c --create

Initialzie desturl for pushing if not already done

-m --message=<text>

Use <text> for every commit that is done during push

-r --revision=<from>:<to>

Push only changes between (including) the two given revision. Revision can also be HEAD which means the newest revision in the repository.

walk [options] srcurl desturl regex repos1 .. reposN

Invoke the push of for all reositories underneath srcurl to desturl given with as repos1 .. reposN. Only directories matching regex are replicated.

Possible options:

-c --create

Initialzie desturl for pushing if not already done

-m --message=<text>

Use <text> for every commit that is done during push


Gerald Richter <>


A lot of ideas and code is taken from SVN::Mirror by Chia-liang Kao <>


Copyright 2004 by Gerald Richter <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
