Changes for version 0.04 - 2007-08-08
- Modification of view to consult revoked certificates Correction of a bug in SSLClient (to authenticate to server)
Catalyst CGI
Create a new Catalyst Component
Catalyst FastCGI
The Camel-PKI Key Ceremony.
Catalyst Testserver
Apache server for App::CamelPKI.
A multi-purpose PKI.
Adapting the Catalyst execution environment for JSON requests.
Model of a Certificate Authority in Camel-PKI.
Store App::CamelPKI::CA datas in a SQLite database
Model for X509 Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in Camel-PKI
A certificate template for Camel-PKI (abstract class - not instanciable).
provide functions to allow CA0 type certificate generation.
Open templates for certificates.
Certificate templates for internal certificates
Type of certificate for SSL Servers. It herits from App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::CertBase which contains common functions for open certificate's type.
Certificate templates for VPN nodes.
Model for a X509 certificate in Camel-PKI.
Camel-PKI Certiciate Authority controller.
Base class for all template controllers in Camel-PKI
Controller for certification and revocation of CA processing nodes.
Controller for certification and revocation of SSL clients and servers.
Controller for certification and revocation of VPN nodes.
Camel-PKI Certiciate Certificate controller.
Root controller for App::CamelPKI.
Catalyst learning tests.
Camel-PKI Error management
Constructor of CA instances used by the whole application.
The singleton which represents the Camel-PKI AC Web server.
Base class for all model classes that manipulate PEM strings
Modelise a private key in Camel-PKI.
Public key model for App-PKI.
Application of the "brand" capability discipline pattern to sensitive constructors and classes.
Operating System-oriented bag of tricks.
Modeling the Camel-PKI web server.
Modelise Camel-PKI horatading, up to the second.
the view used to throw data to an AJAX client or any other RPC client.
Catalyst TTSite View
Capability-discipline facet construct for Perl.
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/CertTemplate/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/CertTemplate/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/CertTemplate/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/Model/
in lib/App/CamelPKI/