App::Dest - Deployment State Manager
version 1.15
dest init # initialize dest for a project
dest add DIR # add a directory to dest tracking list
dest rm DIR # remove a directory from dest tracking list
dest watches # returns a list of watched directories
dest putwatch FILE # set watch list to be what's in a file
dest writewatch # creates watch file in project root directory
dest make NAME [EXT] # create a named template set (set of 3 files)
dest list [NAME] # dump a list of the template set (set of 3 files)
dest status # check status of tracked directories
dest diff [NAME] # display a diff of any modified actions
dest clean # reset dest state to match current files/directories
dest preinstall # set dest state so an "update" will deploy everything
dest deploy NAME # deployment of a specific action
dest verify [NAME] # verification of tracked actions or specific action
dest revert NAME # revertion of a specific action
dest redeploy NAME # deployment of a specific action
dest revdeploy NAME # revert and deployment of a specific action
dest update [DIRS] # automaticall deploy or revert to cause currency
dest version # dest current version
dest help # display command synposis
dest man # display man page
dest is a simple "deployment state" change management tool. Inspired by what Sqitch does for databases, it provides a simple mechanism for writing deploy, verify, and revert parts of a change action. The typical use of dest is in a development context because it allows for simplified state changes when switching between branches (as an example).
Let's say you're working with a group of other software engineers on a particular software project using your favorite revision control system. Let's also say that you have a database that undergoes schema changes as features are developed, and you have various system activities like the installation of libraries or other applications. Then let's also say the team branches, works on stuff, shares those branches, reverts, merges, etc. And also from time to time you want to go back in time a bit so you can reproduce a bug. Maintaining the database state and the state of the system across all that activity can be problematic. dest tries to solve this in a very simple way, letting you be able to deploy, revert, and verify to any point in time in the development history.
Note that using dest for production deployment, provisioning, or configuration management is not advised. Use a full-featured configuration management tool instead.
Typing just dest
should bring up the usage instructions, which include a command list. In nearly all cases, dest assumes you are calling dest from the root directory of your project. If not, it will complain.
To start using dest, you need to initialize your project by calling init
while in the root directory of your project. (If you are in a different directory, dest will assume that is your project's root directory.)
The initialization will result in a .dest
directory being created. You'll almost certainly want to add ".dest" to your `.gitignore` file or similar revision control ignore file.
add DIR
Once a project has been initialized, you need to tell dest what directories you want to "track". Into these tracked directories you'll place subdirectories with recognizable names, and into each subdirectory a set of 3 files: deploy, revert, and verify.
For example, let's say you have a database. So you create db
in your project's root directory. Then call dest add db
from your root directory. Inside db
, you might create the directory db/schema
. And under that directory, add the files: deploy, revert, and verify.
The deploy file contains the instructions to create the database schema. The revert file contains the instructions to revert what the deploy file did. And the verify file let's you verify the deploy file worked.
rm DIR
This removes a directory from the dest tracking list.
Returns a list of tracked or watched directories.
putwatch FILE
Sets the current list of tracked or watched directories to be what's in a file. For example, you could do this:
dest watches >
echo 'new_dir_to_watch' >>
dest putwatch
Creates (or overwrites) a watch file in the project root directory with the contents of the currently watched directories.
make NAME [EXT]
This is a helper command. Given a directory you've already added, it will create the subdirectory and deploy, revert, and verify files.
# given db, creates db/schema and the 3 files
dest make db/schema
As a nice helper bit, make
will list the relative paths of the 3 new files. So if you want, you can do something like this:
vi `dest make db/schema`
Optionally, you can specify an extention for the created files. For example:
vi `dest make db/schema sql`
# this will create and open in vi:
# db/schema/deploy.sql
# db/schema/revert.sql
# db/schema/verify.sql
list [NAME]
If provided a name of an action, it does the last step of make
. It lists out the relative paths of the 3 files, so you can do stuff like:
vi `dest list db/schema`
If not provided a name of an action, it will list all tracked directories and every action within each directory.
This command will tell you your current state compared to what the current code says your state should be. For example, you might see something like this:
diff - db
+ db/new_function
- db/lolcats
M db/schema/deploy
ok - etc
dest will report for each tracked directory what are new changes that haven't yet been deployed (marked with a "+"), features that have been deployed in your current system state but are missing from the code (marked with a "-"), and changes to previously existing files (marked with an "M").
This will display a diff delta of the differences of any modified action files. You can specify an optional name parameter that refers to a tracking directory, action name, or specific sub-action.
dest diff
dest diff db/schema
dest diff db/schema/deploy
Let's say that for some reason you have a delta between what dest thinks your system is and what your code says it ought to be, and you really believe your code is right. You can call clean
to tell dest to just assume that what the code says is right.
Let's say you're setting up a new system or installing the project/application, so you start by creating yourself a working directory. At some point, you'll want to deploy all the deploy actions. You'll need to init
and add
the directories/paths you need. But dest will have a cache that matches the current working directory. At this point, you need to preinstall
to remove that cache and be in a state where you can update
Here's an example of what you might want:
dest init
dest add path_to/stuff
dest add path_to/other_stuff
dest preinstall
dest update
deploy NAME
This tells dest to deploy a specific action. For example, if you called status
and got back results like in the status example above, you might then want to:
dest deploy db/new_function
Note that you shouldn't add "/deploy" to the end of that. Also note that a deploy
call will automatically call verify
when complete.
verify [NAME]
This will run the verify step on any given action, or if no action name is provided, all actions under directories that are tracked.
Unlike deploy and revert files, which can run the user through all sorts of user input/output, verify files must return some value that is either true or false. dest will assume that if it sees a true value, verification is confirmed. If it receives a false value, verification is assumed to have failed.
revert NAME
This tells dest to revert a specific action. For example, if you deployed db/new_function
but then you wanted to revert it, you'd:
dest revert db/new_function
redeploy NAME
This is exactly the same as deploy, except that if you've already deployed an action, "redeploy" will let you deploy the action again, whereas "deploy" shouldn't.
revdeploy NAME
This is exactly the same as conducting a revert of an action followed by a deploy of the same action.
update [DIRS]
This will automatically deploy or revert as appropriate to make your system match the code. This will likely be the most common command you run.
If there are actions in the code that have not been deployed, these will be deployed. If there are actions that have been deployed that are no longer in the code, they will be reverted.
If there are actions that are in the code that have been deployed, but the "deploy" file has changed, then update
will revert the previously deployed "deploy" file then deploy the new "deploy" file. (And note that the deployment will automatically call verify
You can optionally add one or more directories to the end of the update command to restrict the update to only operate within the directories you specify. This will not prevent cross-directory dependencies, however. For example, if you have two tracked directories and limit the update to only one directory and within the directory there is an action with a dependency on an action in the non-specificied directory, that action will be triggered.
Displays the current dest version.
Displays a synposis of commands and their usage.
Displays the man page for dest.
Sometimes you may have deployments (or revertions) that have dependencies on other deployments (or revertions). For example, if you want to add a column to a table in a database, that table (and the database) have to exist already.
To define a dependency, place the action's name after a dest.prereq
marker, which itself likely will be after a comment. (The comment marker can be whatever the language of the deployment file is.) For example, in a SQL file that adds a column, you might have:
-- dest.prereq: db/schema
Unless a "wrapper" is used (and thus, by default), dest will assume that the action files (those 3 files under each action name) are self-contained executable files. Often if not almost always the action sub-files would be a lot simpler and contain less code duplication if they were executed through some sort of wrapper.
Given our database example, we'd likely want each of the action sub-files to be pure SQL. In that case, we'll need to write some wrapper program that dest will run that will then consume and run the SQL files as appropriate.
dest looks for wrapper files up the chain from the location of the action file. Specifically, it'll assume a file is a wrapper if the filename is "dest.wrap". If such a file is found, then that file is called, and the name of the action sub-file is passed as its only argument.
As an example, let's say I created an action set that looked like this
Let's then also say that the example/ls/deploy
file contains:
I could create a deployment file example/dest.wrap
that looked like this:
/bin/bash "$1"
Wrappers will only ever be run from the current code. For example, if you have a revert file for some action and you checkout your working directory to a point in time prior to the revert file existing, dest maintains a copy of the original revert file so it can revert the action. However, it will always rely on whatever wrapper is in the current working directory.
Optionally, you can elect to use a watch file that can be committed to your favorite revision control system. In the root dirctory of your project, create a filed called "" and list therein the directores (relative to the root directory of the project) to watch.
If this "" file exists in the root directory of your project, dest will add the following behavior:
During an "init" action, the file will be read to setup all watched directories (as though you manually called the "add" action on each).
During a "status" action, dest will report any differences between your current watch list and the file.
During an "update" action, dest will automatically add (as if you manually called the "add" action) each directory in the file that is currently not watched by dest prior to executing the update action.
You can also look for additional information at:
Gryphon Shafer <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gryphon Shafer.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.