Open Bible Markup Language (OBML)
OBML makes the assumption that content will exist in one text file per chapter, the text file will be ASCII, and content mark-up will conform to the following specification:
~...~ --> material reference
=...= --> header
{...} --> crossreferences
[...] --> footnotes
<...> --> red text
^...^ --> italic
4 spaces --> blockquote (line by line)
6 spaces --> blockquote + indent (line by line)
|*| --> notes the beginning of a verse (numbers ignored)
# --> line comments
An example of OBML follows, with several verses missing so as to save space:
~ Jude 1 ~
|1| Jude, [or ^Judas^] {Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3; Jhn 14:22; Ac 1:13} a
slave [or ^servant^] {Ti 1:1} of Jesus Christ, and
brother of James, [or ^Jacob^] to those having been set apart [or
^loved^ or ^sanctified^] in God ^the^ Father.
= The Sin and Punishment of the Ungodly =
|14| Enoch, {Ge 5:18; Ge 5:21-24} ^the^ seventh from Adam, also
prophesied to these saying:
Behold, ^the^ Lord came with myriads of His saints [or ^holy
ones^] {De 33:2; Da 7:10; Mt 16:27; He 12:22}
|15| to do judgment against all {2Pt 2:6-9}.
|16| These are murmurers, complainers, {Nu 16:11; Nu 16:41; 1Co
10:10} following ^after^ [or ^according to^] their
lusts, {Jdg 1:18; 2Pt 2:10} and their mouths speak of proud things
{2Pt 2:18} ^showing admiration^ [literally ^admiring faces^] to gain
^an advantage^. [literally ^for the sake of you^] {2Pt 2:3}
When the OBML is parsed, it's turned into a uniform data structure. The data structure is an arrayref containing a hashref per verse. The hashrefs will have a "reference" key and a "content" key and an optional "header" key. Given OBML for Jude 1:14 as defined above, this is the data structure of the hashref for the verse:
'reference' => { 'verse' => '14', 'chapter' => '1', 'book' => 'Jude' },
'header' => [ 'The Sin and Punishment of the Ungodly' ],
'content' => [
[ 'crossreference', [ 'Ge 5:18', 'Ge 5:21-24' ] ],
[ 'italic', 'the' ],
'seventh from Adam, also prophesied to these saying:',
[ 'paragraph' ],
[ 'italic', 'the' ],
'Lord came with myriads of His saints',
[ 'footnote', 'or', [ 'italic', 'holy ones' ] ],
[ 'De 33:2', 'Da 7:10', 'Mt 16:27', 'He 12:22' ],
Note that even in the simplest of cases, both "header" and "content" will be arrayrefs around some number of strings. The "reference" key will always be a hashref with 3 keys. The structure of the values inside the arrayrefs of "header" and "content" can be (and usually are) nested.
To install this module, run the following commands:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Bible::OBML
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Gryphon Shafer,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.