Bible::OBML - Open Bible Markup Language parser and renderer
version 1.06
use Bible::OBML;
my $self = Bible::OBML->new;
my $data_structure = $self->parse($obml_text_content);
my $obml_text_content = $self->render( $data_structure, $skip_wrapping );
my $content_with_smart_quotes = $self->smartify($content);
my $content_without_smart_quotes = $self->desmartify($smart_content);
$self->canonicalize( $input_file, $output_file, $skip_wrapping );
# ...and because re-inventing the wheel is fun...
my $file_content = $self->read_file($filename);
$self->write_file( $filename, $content );
This module provides methods that support parsing and rendering Open Bible Markup Language (OBML). OBML is a pure-ASCII-text markup way to represent Bible content, one whole text file per chapter. The goal or purpose of OBML is similar to Markdown in that it provides a human-readable text file allowing for simple and direct editing of content while maintaining context, footnotes, cross-references, "red text", and quotes.
Open Bible Markup Language (OBML)
OBML makes the assumption that content will exist in one text file per chapter, the text file will be ASCII, and content mark-up will conform to the following specification:
~...~ --> material reference
=...= --> header
{...} --> crossreferences
[...] --> footnotes
*...* --> red text
^...^ --> italic
4 spaces --> blockquote (line by line)
6 spaces --> blockquote + indent (line by line)
|*| --> notes the beginning of a verse (the "*" must be a number)
# --> line comments
HTML/XML-like markup can be used throughout the content for additional markup not defined by the above specification. When OBML is parsed, such markup is ignored and passed through, treated like any other content of the verse.
An example of OBML follows, with several verses missing so as to save space:
~ Jude 1 ~
|1| Jude, [or ^Judas^] {Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3; Jhn 14:22; Ac 1:13} a
slave [or ^servant^] {Ti 1:1} of Jesus Christ, and
brother of James, [or ^Jacob^] to those having been set apart [or
^loved^ or ^sanctified^] in God ^the^ Father.
= The Sin and Punishment of the Ungodly =
|14| Enoch, {Ge 5:18; Ge 5:21-24} ^the^ seventh from Adam, also
prophesied to these saying:
Behold, ^the^ Lord came with myriads of His saints [or ^holy
ones^] {De 33:2; Da 7:10; Mt 16:27; He 12:22}
|15| to do judgment against all {2Pt 2:6-9}.
|16| These are murmurers, complainers, {Nu 16:11; Nu 16:41; 1Co
10:10} following ^after^ [or ^according to^] their
lusts, {Jdg 1:18; 2Pt 2:10} and their mouths speak of proud things
{2Pt 2:18} ^showing admiration^ [literally ^admiring faces^] to gain
^an advantage^. [literally ^for the sake of you^] {2Pt 2:3}
When the OBML is parsed, it's turned into a uniform data structure. The data structure is an arrayref containing a hashref per verse. The hashrefs will have a "reference" key and a "content" key and an optional "header" key. Given OBML for Jude 1:14 as defined above, this is the data structure of the hashref for the verse:
'reference' => { 'verse' => '14', 'chapter' => '1', 'book' => 'Jude' },
'header' => [ 'The Sin and Punishment of the Ungodly' ],
'content' => [
[ 'crossreference', [ 'Ge 5:18', 'Ge 5:21-24' ] ],
[ 'italic', 'the' ],
'seventh from Adam, also prophesied to these saying:',
[ 'paragraph' ],
[ 'italic', 'the' ],
'Lord came with myriads of His saints',
[ 'footnote', 'or', [ 'italic', 'holy ones' ] ],
[ 'De 33:2', 'Da 7:10', 'Mt 16:27', 'He 12:22' ],
Note that even in the simplest of cases, both "header" and "content" will be arrayrefs around some number of strings. The "reference" key will always be a hashref with 3 keys. The structure of the values inside the arrayrefs of "header" and "content" can be (and usually are) nested.
This method accepts a single text string consisting of OBML. It parses the string and returns a data structure as described above.
my $data_structure = $self->parse($obml_text_content);
This method accepts a data structure that conforms to the example description above and returns a rendered OBML text output. It can optionally accept a second input, which is a boolean, which if true will cause the method to skip the line-wrapping step.
my $obml_text_content = $self->render( $data_structure, $skip_wrapping );
Normally, this method will take the text output and wrap long lines. By passing a second value which is true, you can cause the method to skip that step.
smartify, desmartify
The intent of OBML is to store ASCII text files. Some people prefer viewing content with so-called "smart" quotes in appropriate places. It is entirely possible to parse and render OBML as UTF8 that includes these so-called "smart" quotes. However, in the typical case of pure ASCII, you may want to add or remove so-called "smart" quotes. Here's how:
my $content_with_smart_quotes = $self->smartify($content);
my $content_without_smart_quotes = $self->desmartify($smart_content);
This method requires an input filename and an output filename. It will read the input file, assume it's OBML, parse it, clean-up references, and render it back to OBML, and save it to the output filename.
$self->canonicalize( $input_file, $output_file, $skip_wrapping );
You can optionally add a third input which is a boolean indicating if you want the method to skip line-wrapping. (See the render()
method for more information.)
The point of this method is if you happen to be writing in OBML manually and want to ensure your content is canonical OBML.
read_file, write_file
Just in case you want to read or write a file directly, here are two methods that reinvent the wheel.
my $file_content = $self->read_file($filename);
$self->write_file( $filename, $content );
This module has an attribute of "reference" which contains a reference to an instance of Bible::OBML::Reference.
This module has an attribute of "html" which contains a reference to an instance of Bible::OBML::HTML.
Bible::OBML::Reference, Bible::OBML::HTML.
You can also look for additional information at:
Gryphon Shafer <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Gryphon Shafer.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.