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# ABSTRACT: Bot::IRC add classic "infobot" functionality to the bot
use 5.014;
use exact;
our $VERSION = '1.28'; # VERSION
sub init {
my ($bot) = @_;
command => 'PRIVMSG',
text => qr/^(?<term>\([^\)]+\)|\S+)\s+(?:is|=)\s+(?<fact>.+?)$/i,
sub {
my ( $bot, $in, $m ) = @_;
( my $term = lc( $m->{term} ) ) =~ s/[\(\)]+//g;
my @facts = @{ $bot->store->get($term) || [] };
push( @facts, $m->{fact} );
$bot->store->set( $term => \@facts );
command => 'PRIVMSG',
text => qr/^(?<term>\([^\)]+\)|\S+)\?/i,
sub {
my ( $bot, $in, $m ) = @_;
( my $display_term = $m->{term} ) =~ s/[\(\)]+//g;
my $term = lc($display_term);
my @facts = map {
if ( /\|/ ) {
my @terms = split(/\|/);
$terms[ int( rand() * @terms ) ];
else {
} @{ $bot->store->get($term) || [] };
return unless (@facts);
my $text;
if ( grep { /^<(?:action|reply)>/i } @facts ) {
my $fact = $facts[ int( rand() * @facts ) ];
$text = $fact if ( $fact =~ s|^<\s*action\s*>\s*|/me |i or $fact =~ s|^<\s*reply\s*>\s*||i );
$text //
"$display_term is " . $bot->list( ', ', 'and', map { s/[.,;:?!]+$//; $_ } @facts ) . '.'
to_me => 1,
text => qr/^no\W+(?<term>\([^\)]+\)|\S+)\s+(?:is|=)\s+(?<fact>.+?)$/i,
sub {
my ( $bot, $in, $m ) = @_;
( my $term = lc( $m->{term} ) ) =~ s/[\(\)]+//g;
$bot->store->set( $term => [ $m->{fact} ] );
to_me => 1,
text => qr/^forget\W+(?<term>\([^\)]+\)|[^.,:;?!\s]+)/i,
sub {
my ( $bot, $in, $m ) = @_;
( my $term = lc( $m->{term} ) ) =~ s/[\(\)]+//g;
$bot->store->set( $term => [] );
to_me => 1,
text => qr/^info\s+on\s+(?<term>\([^\)]+\)|[^.,:;?!\s]+)/i,
sub {
my ( $bot, $in, $m ) = @_;
( my $term = lc( $m->{term} ) ) =~ s/[\(\)]+//g;
my @facts = @{ $bot->store->get($term) || [] };
? "\"$m->{term}\" is " . $bot->list( ', ', 'and', @facts )
: "I have no information on \"$m->{term}\"."
$bot->helps( infobot =>
'Mimics the factoid functionality of the classic infobot. ' .
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Bot::IRC::Infobot - Bot::IRC add classic "infobot" functionality to the bot
=head1 VERSION
version 1.28
use Bot::IRC;
connect => { server => 'irc.perl.org' },
plugins => ['Infobot'],
This L<Bot::IRC> plugin adds classic "infobot" functionality to the bot.
=head2 Remembering Factoids
<user> thing is great
<user> thing is awesome
<user> thing is wonderful
=head2 Recalling Factoids
<user> thing?
<bot> thing is great, awesome, and wondeful.
=head2 Overwriting Factoids
<user> bot no thing is terrible
<bot> user: OK.
<user> thing?
<bot> thing is terrible.
=head2 Forgetting Factoids
<user> bot forget thing
<bot> user: OK.
=head2 Reply Factoids
A factiod that begins with "<reply>" will have the "<noun> is" missing in the
<user> stuff is <reply> What stuff?
<user> stuff?
<bot> What stuff?
=head2 Action Factoids
A factoid that begins "<action>" will be emoted as a response.
<user> sad is <action> cries in a corner.
<user> sad?
<bot> * bot cries in a corner.
=head2 Multiple Answers
Pipes ("|") indicate different possible answers selected at random.
<user> d6 is 1|2|3|4|5|6
<user> d6?
<bot> 5
<user> d6?
<bot> 3
=head2 Learning What the Bot Knows
<user> bot info on d6
<bot>user: d6 is 1|2|3|4|5|6
=head2 SEE ALSO
=for Pod::Coverage init
=head1 AUTHOR
Gryphon Shafer <gryphon@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Gryphon Shafer.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)