Bot::IRC::X::Reminder - Bot::IRC plugin for scheduling reminders
version 1.02
use Bot::IRC;
connect => { server => '' },
plugins => ['Reminder'],
This Bot::IRC plugin is for scheduling reminders. You can ask the bot to remind someone about something at some future time. If the nick who needs to be reminded isn't online at the time of the reminder, the reminder isn't issued.
The general format is:
<bot nick> remind <nick|channel> <every|at|in> <time expr> <reminder text>
If you specify a "nick" of "me", then the bot will remind your nick.
The "every|at|in" is the type of reminder. Each type of reminder requires a slightly different time expression.
The "at" reminder type requires a time expression in the form of a clock time or a crontab-looking expression. Clock time expressions are in the form \d{1,2}:\d{2}\s*[ap]m?
for "normal human time" and \d{3,4}
for military time.
bot remind me at 2:30p This is to remind you of your dentist appointment.
bot remind hoser at 1620 Hey hoser, it's 4:20 PM now.
bot remind #team at 0530 Time for someone on the team to make coffee.
Crontab-looking expressions are in the * * * * *
bot remind me at 30 5 * * 1-5 Good morning! It's a great day to code Perl.
Once an "at" reminder type triggers, it's done and won't repeat.
The "in" reminder type requires a number of minutes in the future for when the reminder should happen. In addition to minutes, you can specify hours, days, weeks, or whatever.
bot remind me in 30 It has been half-an-hour since you set this reminder.
bot remind me in 2:30 It has been 2 hours and 30 minutes.
bot remind me in 3:0:0 It has been 3 days.
bot remind me in 1:2:0:0 It has been 1 week and 2 days.
Once an "in" reminder type triggers, it's done and won't repeat.
The "every" reminder type is exactly like the "at" reminder type except that the reminder repeatedly triggers when the time expression matches.
bot remind me every 30 5 * * 1-5 Another great day to code Perl.
There are a couple of helper functions you can call as well.
list reminders
You can list all of your reminders or all reminders from anyone.
bot list my reminders
bot list all reminders
forget reminders
You can tell the bot to forget all of your reminders or all reminders from everyone.
bot forget my reminders
bot forget all reminders
You can look for additional information at:
Gryphon Shafer <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gryphon Shafer.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.