Daemon::Device - Forking daemon device construct
version 1.09
use Daemon::Device;
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => {
name => 'server_thing',
lsb_sdesc => 'Server Thing',
pid_file => '/tmp/',
stderr_file => '/tmp/server_thing.err',
stdout_file => '/tmp/',
spawn => 3, # number of children to spawn
parent => \&parent, # code to run in the parent
child => \&child, # code to run in the children
replace_children => 1, # if a child dies, replace it; default is 1
parent_hup_to_child => 1, # a HUP sent to parent echos to children; default is 1
sub parent {
my ($device) = @_;
while (1) {
warn "Parent $$ exists (heartbeat)\n";
sleep 5;
sub child {
my ($device) = @_;
while (1) {
warn "Child $$ exists (heartbeat)\n";
exit unless ( $device->parent_alive );
sleep 5;
This module provides a straight-forward and simple construct to creating applications that run as daemons and fork some number of child processes. This module leverages the excellent Daemon::Control to provide the functionality for the daemon itself, and it manages the spawning and monitoring of the children. It also provides some hooks into various parts of the daemon's lifecycle.
The basic idea is that you'll end up with program that can be interacted with like a Linux service (i.e. in /etc/init.d or similar).
./ start
On start, it will initiate a single parent process and a number of children processes. See Daemon::Control for additional information about the core part of the daemon. What Daemon::Device does beyond this is setup parent and child creation, monitor and replace children that die off, and offer hooks.
The following are methods of this module.
The new()
method expects a series of parameters to setup the device. It returns a Daemon::Device object that you should probably immediately call run()
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => \%daemon_control_settings,
spawn => 3, # number of children to spawn
parent => \&parent, # code to run in the parent
child => \&child, # code to run in the children
One of the most important parameters is the "daemon" parameter. It's required, and it must contain a hashref of parameters that are passed as-is to Daemon::Control. (It is almost a certainty you'll want to read the Daemon::Control documentation to understand the details of the parameters that go in this hashref.)
This is an integer and represents the number of child processes that should be spawned off the parent process initially. The number of child processes can be changed during runtime by calling adjust_spawn()
. During runtime, you can also send INT or TERM signals to the children to kill them off. However, ensure the "replace_children" parameter is set to false or else the parent will spawn new children to replace the dead ones.
If "spawn" is not defined, the default of 1 child will be assumed.
This is a reference to a subroutine containing the code that should be executed in the parent process.
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => \%daemon_control_settings,
child => \&child,
parent => sub {
my ($device) = @_;
while (1) {
warn "Parent $$ exists (heartbeat)\n";
sleep 5;
The subroutine is provided a reference to the device object. It's expected that if you need to keep the parent running, you'll implement something in this subroutine that will do that, like a while
If "parent" is not defined, then the parent will simply sit around and wait for all the children to exit or for the parent to be told to exit by external signal or other means.
This is a reference to a subroutine containing the code that should be executed in every child process.
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => \%daemon_control_settings,
child => sub {
my ($device) = @_;
while (1) {
warn "Child $$ exists (heartbeat)\n";
exit unless ( $device->parent_alive );
sleep 5;
It's expected that if you need to keep the parent running, you'll implement something in this subroutine that will do that, like a while
loop. If "child" is not defined, then the child will sit around and wait forever. Not sure why you'd want to spawn children and then let them be lazy like this since idle hands are the devil's playthings, though.
This is a boolean, which defaults to true, and indicates whether or not the parent process should spawn additional children to replace children that die for whatever reason.
This is a boolean, which defaults to true, and indicates whether or not the parent process should, when it receives a HUP signal, should echo that signal down to all its children.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent process just prior to the parent spawning the initial set of children. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent process just prior to the parent shutting down. This event happens after the parent tells all its children to shutdown, but the children may or may not have actually shutdown prior to this parent on_shutdown
event. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent process just prior to the parent spawning any child, even children that are spawned to replace dead children. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent process when the parent receives a HUP signal. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside child processes when the child receives a HUP signal. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent process just after the parent receives an instruction to shutdown. So when a parent gets a shutdown order, this hook gets called, then the parent sends termination orders to all its children, then triggers the on_shutdown
hook. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
This optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside child processes just prior to the child shutting down. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object and the "child data" hashref.
If the replace_children
parameter is not defined or is set to a true value, then the parent will spawn new children to replace children that die. The on_replace_child
optional parameter is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside the parent just prior to replacing a dead child. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object.
The run()
method calls the method of the same name from Daemon::Control. This will make your program act like an init file, accepting input from the command line. Run will exit with 0 for success and uses LSB exit codes.
If you need to access the Daemon::Control object inside the device, you can do so with the daemon()
ppid, cpid
These methods return the parent PID or child PID. From both parent processes and child processes, ppid
will return the parent's PID. From only child processes, cpid
will return the child's PID. From the parent, cpid
will return undef.
This will return an arrayref of PIDs for all the children currently spawned.
The adjust_spawn
method accepts a positive integer, and from it tells the parent process to set a new spawn numerical value during runtime. Lets say you have 10 children and they're fat (i.e. hogging memory) and lazy (i.e. not doing anything) and you want to "thin the herd," so to speak. Or perhaps you only spawned 2 children and there's more work than the 2 can handle. The adjust_spawn
method let's you spawn or terminate children.
When you raise the total number of spawn, the parent will order the spawning, but the children may or may not be completely spawned by the time adjust_spawn
returns. Normally, this shouldn't be a problem. When you lower the total number of spawn, adjust_spawn
will not return until some children are really dead sufficient to bring the total number of children to the spawn number.
replace_children, parent_hup_to_child
These are simple get-er/set-er methods for the replace_children
and parent_hup_to_child
values, allowing you to change them during runtime. This should be done in parents. Remember that data values are copied into children during spawning (i.e. forking), so changing these values in children is meaningless.
The parent_alive
method returns true if the daemon parent still lives or false if it doesn't live. This is useful when writing child code, since a child should periodically check to see if it's an orphan.
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => \%daemon_control_settings,
child => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
while (1) {
exit unless ( $self->parent_alive );
sleep 1;
Each parent and child have a simple data storage mechanism in them under the "data" parameter and "data" method, all of which is optional. To use it, you can, if you elect, pass the "data" parameter to new()
exit Daemon::Device->new(
daemon => \%daemon_control_settings,
parent => \&parent,
child => \&child,
data => {
answer => 42,
thx => 1138,
This will result in the parent getting this data block, which can be accessed via the data()
method from within the parent. The data()
method is a fairly typical key/value parameter get-er/set-er.
sub parent {
my ($device) = @_;
warn $device->data('answer'); # returns 42
$device->data( 'answer' => 0 ); # sets "answer" to 0
$device->data( 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 ); # set multiple things
$device->data( { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 } ); # set multiple things
my $data = $device->data # hashref of all data
When children are spawned, they will pick up a copy of whatever's in the parent's data when the spawning takes place. This is a copy, so changing data in one place does not change it elsewhere. Note also that in some cases you can't guarentee the exact order or timing of spawning children.
Helper Methods
As a convenience, you can access any single data value by referencing a method of the same name.
noun => 'World',
hi => sub { say "Hello $_[0]" },
say $device->hi( $device->noun );
You can, of course, setup whatever interprocess communications you'd like. In an attempt to be helpful, this module offers basic interprocess communications messaging. Normally, this messaging is unused and not activated. However, by defining an on_message
handler in new()
, you will be able to call a method called message()
to send messages between a parent and its children or from any child to its parent. (Child-to-child communication is unsupported, so if you need that, you'll need to create your own, better communications.)
This optional parameter to new()
is a runtime hook. It expects a subroutine reference for code that should be called from inside either the parent or child process that receives a message sent via the message()
method. The subroutine will be passed a reference to the device object and an array of messages received from a buffer. This is almost always only 1, but it could be more, so code accordingly.
sub on_message {
my $device = shift;
say "Received message: $_" for (@_);
This method sends a message to a parent from one of its children or from a child to its parent. It expects the PID of the process to which the message should be sent and the message itself, which is expected to be a simple text string. It's up to you to encode/serialize your data for transport.
$device->message( 1138, 'Message for you, sir.' );
Messaging Gotchas
If you provide a PID to message()
that is not valid (not a child of the parent from which the message originates or not a parent from the child from which the message originates), suffer an error you will.
Also note that sometimes during spawning of child processes it is possible that a message from the parent can get sent to a child before that child is ready to receive the message, in which case the message will be dropped. If you want to get data from the parent to the child, have the child tell the parent it's ready, then have the parent send the child data.
The on_message
hook is universal, meaning that it's the same subroutine that's called from both the parent and children to handle incoming messages. You'll therefore need to write a little logic to handle the differences if the use cases requires that.
The messaging is provided through use of a couple of IO::Pipe objects per child. The messaging is simple, limited, but fast. If you need something better, you'll need to construct it yourself, or perhaps consider something like ZeroMQ.
You can also look for additional information at:
Gryphon Shafer <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2015-2021 by Gryphon Shafer.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)