MojoX::Linda - Plausibly helpful (and probably drunk) wrapper around morbo


version 1.01


linda [OPTIONS]
    -s, --silent
    -a, --app     APPLICATION
    -m, --mode    MOJO_MODE
    -b, --backend MOJO_MORBO_BACKEND
    -l, --listen  LISTEN_PATTERN    # can be repeated
    -w, --watch   DIRECTORY_OR_FILE # can be repeated
    -h, --help
    -m, --man


linda is a plausibly helpful (and probably drunk) wrapper around morbo, provided by Mojo::Server::Morbo. Like morbo, linda will accept various configuration settings for server operation; but unlike morbo, linda will hallucinate settings that aren't set explicitly.

In theory, if you just call linda without any settings, linda will call morbo in the way you want. In practice, linda will probably act inebriated.

-s, --silent

This is the inverse of the morbo "verbose" flag. If not set, linda assumes you want verbose.

-a, --app

This is the Mojolicious application you'd like to startup. If not set explicitly, linda will look around (from your current working directory) for an executable file that has code in it that looks like it's probably a Mojolicious application.

linda's judgement here should not be trusted.

-m, --mode

See Mojo::Server::Morbo.

-b, --backend

See Mojo::Server::Morbo.

-l, --listen

One or more locations you want to listen on. If not set explicitly, linda will look for open ports starting with 3000 and going up to 3999. The first open port will be used.

-w, --watch

See Mojo::Server::Morbo.


linda will initially try to find and load a configuration file via a call to Config::App's find. If find returns a configuration, linda will look in that configuration under mojolicious/linda for settings. Any settings will be overwritten by any explicit command-line settings.


You can also look for additional information at:


Gryphon Shafer <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2023-2050 by Gryphon Shafer.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)