Mojolicious::Plugin::CaptchaPNG - PNG captcha generation and validation Mojolicious plugin


version 1.03


# Simple Mojolicious
$app->plugin( CaptchaPNG => { ttf => 'font.ttf' } );

my $captcha_value = $app->get_captcha_value;
my $success = $app->check_captcha_value($captcha_value);

# Customized Mojolicious
use Math::Random::Secure 'rand';
$app->plugin( CaptchaPNG => {
    routes      => $app->routes,
    method      => 'any',
    path        => '/captcha',
    key         => '_plugin_captchapng',
    width       => 230,
    height      => 50,
    ttf         => 'font.ttf',
    size        => 20,
    rotation    => 8,
    x           => 20,
    y_base      => 35,
    y_rotate    => 100,
    noise       => 1_250,
    background  => [ 255, 255, 255 ],
    text_color  => [ 'rand(128)', 'rand(128)', 'rand(128)' ],
    noise_color => [ 'rand(128) + 128', 'rand(128) + 128', 'rand(128) + 128' ],
    value       => sub { int( rand( 10_000_000 - 1_000_000 ) ) + 1_000_000 },
    display     => sub {
        my ($display) = @_;
        $display =~ s/^(\d{2})(\d{3})/$1-$2-/;
        $display =~ s/(.)/ $1/g;
        return $display;
} );

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin( CaptchaPNG => { ttf => 'font.ttf' } );


This module is a Mojolicious plugin for basic image captcha generation and validation.

During registration (when plugin is called), the plugin will setup a route (which defaults to /captcha) that will respond with a generated PNG captcha. The image is generated using GD::Image. The plugin will also setup helper methods to get, check, and clear the captcha value, which is stored in the session.


Much of the plugin's settings are customizable, but only 1 is required.


This is the only setting that's required. It is the path to a TTF font file that will be used to generate the text in the captcha image.


This a Mojolicious::Routes object. If not set, it defaults to:



The value to use when setting up the route method. If not set, it defaults to any.


The value to use when setting up the route path. If not set, it defaults to /captcha.


When a captcha image is generated, the value of the captcha text is stored in the session under this key. If not set, it defaults to _plugin_captchapng.

width, height

The width and height of the generated captcha image. If not set, these default to 230 and 50 respectively.


The font size of the text in the captcha image. If not set, it defaults to 20.


The amount of rotation to be made to the text in the captcha image. If not set, it defaults to 8.


The x coordinate GD::Image uses for the text. If not set, it defaults to 20.


The base value used for y in GD::Image for the text. If not set, it defaults to 35.


The rotational value used for y in GD::Image for the text. If not set, it defaults to 100.


The amount of noise to generate in the image. If not set, it defaults to 1_250.


An array reference of 3 expressions, which will be used to set the color of the background in the image. Values will be evaluated before used. If not set, it defaults to:

[ 255, 255, 255 ]


An array reference of 3 expressions, which will be used to set the color of the text in the image. Values will be evaluated before used. If not set, it defaults to:

[ 'rand(128)', 'rand(128)', 'rand(128)' ]


An array reference of 3 valexpressionses, which will be used to set the color of the noise color in the image. Values will be evaluated before used. If not set, it defaults to:

[ 'rand(128) + 128', 'rand(128) + 128', 'rand(128) + 128' ]


A subroutine reference that will be called to generate the value used for the text of the captcha. If not set, it defaults to:

sub { int( rand( 10_000_000 - 1_000_000 ) ) + 1_000_000 }


A subroutine reference that will be called and passed a value. The subroutine is expected to alter the value for display purposes. For example, adding spaces or dashes or other such things. If not set, it defaults to:

sub {
    my ($display) = @_;
    $display =~ s/^(\d{2})(\d{3})/$1-$2-/;
    $display =~ s/(.)/ $1/g;
    return $display;



This method (expected to be used in a Mojolicious controller) will return the stored captcha value from the most recent image generation.

my $captcha_value = $app->get_captcha_value;


This method (likely never used, but if used would be expected to be used in a Mojolicious controller) will set a captcha value.



This method (expected to be used in a Mojolicious controller) expects a captcha value and will return true or false if it matches the stored captcha value.

my $success = $app->check_captcha_value($captcha_value);

On success, the captcha value is removed from the session.


Removes the captcha value from the session.



Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Plugin.

You can also look for additional information at:


Gryphon Shafer <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013-2050 by Gryphon Shafer.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)