Mojolicious::Plugin::ToolkitRenderer - Template Toolkit Renderer Mojolicious Plugin


# Mojolicious
        settings => {
            inline_template => 'inline',
            controller      => 'c',
        config => {
            RELATIVE  => 1,
            EVAL_PERL => 0,
            FILTERS   => { ucfirst => sub { return ucfirst shift },
            ENCODING  => 'utf8',
        context => sub {
            shift->define_vmethod( 'scalar', 'upper', sub { return uc shift } );

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin ToolkitRenderer => {
    settings => {
        inline_template => 'inline',
        controller      => 'c',
    config => {
        RELATIVE  => 1,
        EVAL_PERL => 0,
        FILTERS   => { ucfirst => sub { return ucfirst shift },
        ENCODING  => 'utf8',
    context => sub {
        shift->define_vmethod( 'scalar', 'upper', sub { return uc shift } );


This module is a Mojolicious plugin for easy use of Template Toolkit. It adds a "tt" handler and provides a "render_tt" helper method. It allows for inline TT and all the usual Template complexities.


When setting up the plugin, you need to provide a hashref of settings that are in 3 sections.

    config   => {},
    settings => {},
    context  => {},


These are the configuration settings that get passed directly to Template within it's new() method. (See Template documentation for details.)


These are settings specific to this plugin, all of which are optional.

    inline_template => 'inline',
    controller      => 'c',
    error_handler   => sub {},

The "inline_template" setting lets you define what keyword you can use to define an inline template. It defaults to "inline".

    inline => 'The answer to life, the [% universe | upper %], and [% everything.upper %] is [% answer %].',
    answer => 42, everything => 'everything', universe => 'universe',

The "controller" settings lets your defined what keyword you can use within your TT templates that will be a reference to the Mojolicious controller.

The "error_handler" setting lets you provide an optional subroutine reference that will get called if there is any TT errors. By default, when in development mode, TT errors will surface in the normal Mojolicious helpful way (browser page and logs). But you can override this.

error_handler => sub {
    my ( $controller, $renderer, $app ) = @_;

    my $default_handler = $renderer->default_handler;
    $controller->render_exception( Mojo::Exception->new( $template->error ) );



This optional setting gives you access to setting vmethods and other things that require TT's context.

context => sub {
    my ($context) = @_;
    $context->define_vmethod( 'scalar', 'upper', sub { return uc shift } );


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Plugin, Template.


Gryphon Shafer <>.

code('Perl') || die;


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.