Time::DoAfter - Wait before doing by label contoller singleton


version 1.07


use Time::DoAfter;

my $tda0 = Time::DoAfter->new;
my $tda1 = Time::DoAfter->new( 'label', [ 0.9, 2.3 ], sub {} );
my $tda2 = Time::DoAfter->new(
    'label_a', 0.5, sub {},
    'label_b', 0.7, sub {},

$tda0->do( sub {} );
$tda0->do( sub {}, 0.5 );
$tda0->do( 'label', sub {} );
$tda0->do( 'label', sub {}, 0.5 );

my $total_wait = $tda1->do;

my ( $time_since, $time_wait ) = $tda1->do( sub {} );

my $current_time   = $tda0->now;
my $last_time      = $tda0->last('label');
my $new_last_time  = $tda0->last( 'label', time );

my $all_history    = $tda0->history;
my $label_history  = $tda0->history('label');
my $last_5_label   = $tda0->history( 'label', 5 );

my $label_sub      = $tda0->sub('label');
my $new_label_sub  = $tda0->sub( 'label', sub {} );

my $label_wait     = $tda0->wait('label');
my $new_label_wait = $tda0->wait( 'label', [ 1.3, 2.1 ] );

$tda0->wait_adjust( 'label', 2 );


This library provides a means to do something after waiting a specified period of time since the previous invocation under the same something label. Also, it's a singleton.

Let's say you have a situation where you want to do something every 2 seconds, but that thing you want to do might take anywhere between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds to accomplish. Basically, you want to wait for a period of time since the last invocation such that the next invocation is 2 seconds after the previous.

my $tda = Time::DoAfter->new(2);

$tda->do( sub {} ); # pretend this first action takes 0.5 seconds to complete
$tda->do( sub {} ); # this second action will wait 1.5 seconds before starting

Alternatively, let's say you're web scraping and you want to keep the requests to a specific host separated by a random amount of time between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds.

my $tda = Time::DoAfter->new( [ 0.5, 1.5 ] );
$tda->do( sub { scrape_a_new_web_page($_) } ) for (@pages);

Multiple Concurrent Labels

Conceptually, the library has the notion of "do" (the action, subroutine), "wait" (the total time bewtween invocations), and "label" (the name given to the type of invocation). These can be specified at singleton object instantiation or later when you're wanting to invoke the action.

For example, let's say you're scraping two different web hosts. You'd like to wait up to 2 seconds between each request for the first host and 3 seconds between each request for the second host.

my $tda = Time::DoAfter->new;

$tda->do( 'host_1', 2, \&scrape_host_1 );
$tda->do( 'host_2', 3, \&scrape_host_2 );


The following are available methods:


This will instantiate or return a singleton object, off which you can call do and do things and stuff.

my $tda = Time::DoAfter->new;

Alternatively, you can pass new a list comprising of up to 3 things multiple times over. Those 3 things are, in any order: label, wait, and do. Any of these can be left undefined.

my $tda1 = Time::DoAfter->new( 'label', [ 0.9, 2.3 ] );
my $tda2 = Time::DoAfter->new(
    'label_a', 0.5, undef,
    'label_b', undef, sub {},

These will setup defaults for when you call do.


This will do things and stuff, after maybe waiting, of course. This method can accept 3 things, which are, in any order: label, wait, and do.

$tda->do( 'things', 2, \&do_things );
$tda->do( \&do_stuff, 'stuff', [ 0.5, 1.5 ] );

If you don't specify some input to do, it'll attempt to do the right thing based on what you provided to new.

This method will return a float indicating the sum time that do waited for the particular call.


Returns the current time (floating-point value) in seconds since the epoch.

my $current_time = $tda->now;


Returns the last time (floating-point value in seconds since the epoch) when the last "do" was done for a given label.

my $last_time = $tda->last('things');

last can also act as a setter. If you pass in a time value, it will set the last time of the label to that time.

$tda->last( 'things', time );


After calling do a few times, this library will build up a history of doing things. If you want to review that history, call history. It will return an arrayref of hashrefs, where the keys of each hashref are: label, do, wait, and time. (Time in this case is when that do was done.) You can also specify the number of most recent history events to return.

my $all_history    = $tda->history;
my $things_history = $tda->history('things');
my $last_5_things  = $tda->history( 'things', 5 );

my $last_thing      = pop @$last_5_things;
my $last_thing_when = $last_thing->{time};


Gets or sets the subroutine reference for a label's do action.

my $label_sub     = $tda->sub('label');
my $new_label_sub = $tda->sub( 'label', sub {} );


Gets or sets the wait time (explicit value or arrayref of range) for a label.

my $label_wait     = $tda->wait('label');
my $new_label_wait = $tda->wait( 'label', [ 1.3, 2.1 ] );


This method lets you adjust the wait for a given label, adding to or subtracting from the wait setting.

$tda->wait( 'simple', 5 );         # simple now has a wait of 5 seconds
$tda->wait_adjust( 'simple', 2 );  # simple now has a wait of 7 seconds
$tda->wait_adjust( 'simple', -1 ); # simple now has a wait of 6 seconds

$tda->wait( 'range', [ 1, 2 ] );  # range now has a wait of 1 to 2 seconds
$tda->wait_adjust( 'range', 2 );  # range now has a wait of 3 to 5 seconds
$tda->wait_adjust( 'range', -1 ); # range now has a wait of 2 to 4 seconds

How Time Works

If you specify a time to wait that's an integer or floating point, that value will get used for the wait calculation. If instead you provide an arrayref, the library expects it to contain two numbers (integer or floating point). The library will pick a random floating point number between these two values.

If you don't specify a wait, the library will assume a wait of zero.




You can look for additional information at:


Gryphon Shafer <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Gryphon Shafer.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)