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Revision history for Astro::FITS::Header
3.09 2023-04-17
- Minor updates to documentation.
3.08 2021-02-22
- Starlink::AST recommends prereq changed to suggests.
- Tied interface FIRSTKEY and CLEAR methods now handle
subheaders (RT #127228).
3.07 2012-08-02
- Respect ReadOnly flag when opening FITS extensions.
Fixes RT #78746 from Diab Jerius.
3.06 2012-07-13
- Minor fix to header merging to properly treat an undef card
as an undef values rather than as a comment card.
3.05 2012-06-27
- Spelling fixes from debian (RT #78071)
3.04 2012-06-19
- Numeric cards with no space before the comment are now parsed correctly.
- A HISTORY item is now written to NDF files when the header is updated.
- The ChangeLog has been removed from this release.
3.03 2011-01-04
- Ensure that GPL is used throughout package rather than a mix of Perl licence
and GPL. Fixes RT #61875
3.02 2010-12-31
- Use Module::Build
3.01 2009-03-17
- New append() method to append a header or items to an existing
header, overwriting duplicates.
- A header can now be constructed from a simple perl hash
- Item objects now have a copy constructor.
- When importing an AST frameset a specific encoding can be
- The Item constructor can now guess the header type.
- Fixes in item removal, tied interface for history and subheaders
and NDF opening when a directory has a space.
3.0 2006-08-19
- Can now select items by type using the itembytype() method.
- Add equals() method.
- Add ability to merge two Header objects into one.
- Subheaders now supported by tie.
- Fix bug RT#4816 (Diab Jerius)
- change the distribution layout to be more in line with standard usage.
2.9.2 2004-03-07
- Fix tied interface to recognized proper FITS undef cards
- Fix bug in comment parsing (duplicate of RT #11722)
- Add optional support for Starlink::AST module