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Astro::FITS::Header module
What is it?
Astro::FITS::Header and associated sub-classes are tools for reading,
modifying and then writing out FITS standard header blocks to FITS, NDF
and GSD files. The module now fully supports ESO HIERARCH header keywords.
Support for instantiating Astro::FITS:Header objects from Starlink::AST
FrameSet objects is also supported.
Full documentation is included in the POD attached to the modules.
Tied Interface
This is a warning for those of you using the tied interface from previous
versions of the module. The interface now acts very differently, theoretically
the changes shouldn't break existing code, but it has diverged sufficiently
far from the original that I'm no longer convinced that it will work in all
cases. Be warned!
The Astro::FITS::Header module can work with FITS Header blocks, either
directly from the primary FITS HDU of a file complying with the FITS data
standard, or from the FITS extension in an extensible N-dimensional data
format (NDF) file or from a Global Section Data file (GSD). Additionally
the module also supports .HEADER in HDS contanier files, and Starlink::AST
FrameSet objects.
To work with FITS files, the Astro::FITS::Header module requires Pete
Ratzlaff's <> Astro::FITS::CFITSIO library
(v 1.01 or greater), which in turn requires William Pence's CFITSIO
subroutine library (v2.430 or greater). It should be noted that to
build the CFITSIO subroutine library on RedHat Linux 7.x you need to
use version 2.202 or above, however the module requires v2.400 at least
to work with the Astro::FITS::CFITSIO module.
For more information on CFITSIO, see
To work with NDF, HDS and GSD files, the Astro::FITS::Header module
requires Tim Jenness' <> NDF (version 1.42 or
greater) and GSD modules. These modules are installed as part of the
PERLMODS package in the Starlink Software Collection.
To work with AST FrameSet objects the Starlink::AST module is required,
this module (should) be available from CPAN or by contacting the authors
of this package.
For more information on the Starlink Software Collection and the Starlink
Project in general see
The package provides the following classes
which all include POD format documentation.
Where can I get it?
The package is available from CPAN <>
Installation is automated using the ExtUtils::MakeMaker library
% perl Build.PL
% ./Build
% ./Build test
% ./Build install
If the Astro::FITS::CFITSIO, NDF or Starlink::AST modules are not
installed 'make test' will detect this and skip the test harness
for the relevant modules with a warning.
Note on Versioning
Due to misunderstandings on the CPAN versioning scheme all modules in this
release have jumped to version >= 3.0 to force reindexing. Patch numbers are
no longer included in the distribution.
The module was originally written by Alasdair Allan <>, of
the University of Exeter Astrophysics Group ( as
part of his work for the Starlink Project (, and
Tim Jenness <> of the Joint Astronomy Center (JAC)
This version of the module includes patches supplied by Diab Jerius
<>, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
and by Jim Lewis <>, of the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit
at the Institute of Astronomy, to allow access to Multi-Extension FITS files.
The tied interface was updated for version 2.x by Craig DeForest
<> of the Department of Space Studies, Southwest
Research Institute and Tim Jenness <> of the Joint
Astronomy Center (JAC) in Hawaii. Patches to fix some bugs in the tied
interface when dealing with blank cards were supplied by Brad Cavangh
<> of the Joint Astronomy Center (JAC) in Hawaii.
Modifications to parse ESO HIERARCH keywords, read-only, were added by
Malcolm Currie <> of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
The package is currently maintained by Tim Jenness <>.
Please use CPAN RT for bug reports and github pull requests for patches.
The source code repository is at
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place,Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA