Form::Processor::Model::DBIC - Model class for Form Processor using DBIx::Class


You need to create a form class, templates, and call F::P from a controller.

Create a Form, subclassed from Form::Processor::Model::DBIC

package MyApp:Form::User;
use strict;
use base 'Form::Processor::Model::DBIC';

# Associate this form with a DBIx::Class result class
sub object_class { 'MyDB::User' } # Where 'MyDB' is the Catalyst model name

# Define the fields that this form will operate on
# Field names must be column or relationship names in your
# DBIx::Class result class
sub profile {
    return {
        fields => {
            name        => {
               type => 'Text',
               label => 'Name:',
               required => 1,
               noupdate => 1,
            age         => {
                type => 'PosInteger',
                label    => 'Age:',
                required => 1,
            sex         => {
                type => 'Select',
                label => 'Gender:',
                required => 1,
            birthdate   => '+MyApp::Field::Date', # customized field class
            hobbies     =>  {
                type => 'Multiple',
                size => 5,
            address     => 'Text',
            city        => 'Text',
            state       => 'Select',

        dependency => [
            ['address', 'city', 'state'],

Then in your template:

For an input field:

[% f = form.field('address') %]
<label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label || %]</label>
<input type="text" name="[% %]" id="[% %]">

For a select list provide a relationship name as the field name, or provide an options_<field_name> subroutine in the form. (field attributes: sort_order, label_column, active_column). TT example:

[% f = form.field('sex') %]
<label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label || %]</label>
<select name="[% %]">
  [% FOR option IN f.options %]
    <option value="[% option.value %]" [% IF option.value == f.value %]selected="selected"[% END %]>[% option.label | html %]</option>
  [% END %] 

A multiple select list where 'hobbies' is the 'has_many' relationship for a 'many_to_many' pseudo-relationship. (field attributes: sort_order, label_column, active_column).

[% f = form.field('hobbies') %]
<label class="label" for="[% %]">[% f.label || %]</label>
<select name="[% %]" multiple="multiple" size="[% f.size %]">
  [% FOR option IN f.options %]
    <option value="[% option.value %]" [% FOREACH selval IN f.value %][% IF selval == option.value %]selected="selected"[% END %][% END %]>[% option.label | html %]</option>
  [% END %] 

For a complex, widget-based TT setup, see the examples directory in the Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor CPAN download.

Then in a Catalyst controller (with Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor):

package MyApp::Controller::User;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller';

# Create or edit
sub edit : Local {
    my ( $self, $c, $user_id ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{template} = 'user/'; 
    # Validate and insert/update database. Args = pk, form name
    return unless $c->update_from_form( $user_id, 'User' );
    # Form validated.
    $c->stash->{user} = $c->stash->{form}->item;

With the Catalyst plugin the schema is retrieved from the Catalyst context ($c->model()...), but it can also be set by passing in the schema on "new", or setting with $form->schema($schema)

In (the application root controller) config Catalyst::Plugin::F::P:

BookDB->config->{form} = {
    no_fillin         => 0,  # Set if you don't want FillInForm
                             # to fill in your form values 
    pre_load_forms    => 1,  # don't set pre_load if using auto fields
    form_name_space   => 'MyApp::Form',
    debug             => 1,


Form::Processor is a form handling class primarily useful for getting HMTL form data into the database. It provides attributes on fields that can be used for creating a set of widgets and highly automatic templates, but does not actually create the templates themselves. There is a illustrative example of a widgetized template setup in the Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor distribution, and it should be fairly easy to write utilities or scripts to create templates automatically. And cut-and-paste always works...

This DBIC model will save form fields automatically to the database, will retrieve selection lists from the database (with type => 'Select' and a fieldname containing a single relationship, or type => 'Multiple' and a has_many relationship), and will save the selected values (one value for 'Select', multiple values in a mapping table for a 'Multiple' field).

The 'form' is a Perl subclass of the model class, and in it you define your fields (with many possible attributes), and initialization and validation routines. Because it's a Perl class, you have a lot of flexibility.

You can, of course, define your own Form::Processor::Field classes to create your own field types, and perform specialized validation. And you can subclass the methods in Form::Processor::Model::DBIC and Form::Processor.

This package includes a working example using a SQLite database and a number of forms. The templates are straightforward and unoptimized to make it easier to see what they're doing.

Combined reference for Form::Processor

Form::Processor has a lot of options and many ways to customize your forms. I've collected a list of them here to make them easier to find. More complete documentation can be found at Form::Processor, Form::Processor::Field, Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor, and in the individual field classes.

Attributes for fields defined in your form:

name          Field name. Must be the same as database column name or rel
type          Field type. From a F::P::Field class: 'Text', 'Select', etc
required      Field is required
required_message  If this field is required, the message to display on failure 
id            Useful for javascript that requires unique id. Set in Field.
label         Text label. Not used by F::P, but useful in templates 
order         Set the order for fields. Used by sorted_fields, templates. 
widget        Used by templates to decide widget usage. Set by field classes.
style         Style to use for css formatting. Not used by F::P, for templates.
value_format  Sprintf format to use when converting input to value
password      Remove from params and do not display in forms. 
disabled      HTML hint to not do updates (for templates) Init: 0
readonly      HTML hint to make the field readonly (for templates) Init: 0 
clear         Don't validate and remove from database
noupdate      Don't update this field in the database
writeonly     Do not call field class's "format_value" routine. 
errors        Errors associated with this field 
label_column  Select lists: column to use for labels (default: name)
active_column Select lists: which values to list
sort_order    Select lists: column to use for sorting (default: label_column)
sub_form      The field is made up of a sub-form (only dates at this point)
size          Text & select fields. Validated for text.
minlength     Text fields. Used in validation
range_start   Range start for number fields 
range_end     Range end for number fields    

Field attributes not set in a user form

These attributes are usually accessed in a subroutine or in a template.

init_value    Initial value from the database (or see init_value_$fieldname) 
value         The value of your field. Initially, init_value, then from input.
input         Input value from parameter
options       Select lists. Sorted array of hashes, keys: "value", "label"

Other form settings

dependency    Array of arrays of field names. If one name has a value, all
                    fields in the list are set to 'required'
unique        Arrayref of field names that should be unique in db
                  or Hashref that also sets message 

Subroutines for your form (not subclassed)

object_class             Required for Form::Processor::Model::DBIC (& CDBI)
schema                   If you're not using the schema from a Catalyst model
options_$fieldname       Provides a list of key value pairs for select lists
validate_$fieldname      Validation routine for field 
init_value_$fieldname    Overrides initial value for the field
cross_validate           For validation after individual fields are validated 
active_column            For all select lists in the form
init_object              Provide different but similar object to init form 
                            such as default values (field names must match)
field_counter            Increment in templates (see Field & C::P::F::P example)
Plus any subroutine you care to write...

Methods you might want to subclass from Form::Processor::Model::DBIC

model_validate    Add additional database type validation
update_model      To add additional actions on update
guess_field_type  To create better field type assignment for auto forms 
many_to_many      If your multiple select list mapping table is not standard

Particularly useful in a template

errors            [% FOREACH error IN form.errors %]
error_fields      [% FOREACH field IN form.error_fields %]
error_field_names [% FOREACH name IN form.error_field_names %]
sorted_fields     [% FOREACH field IN form.sorted_fields %]
uuid              subroutine that returns a uuid
fif               value="[% form.fif.title %]"
params            Same as fif, but password fields aren't stripped

Form::Processor::Field subroutines to subclass in a Field class

validate          Main part of Field subclasses. Generic validation that
                    applies to all fields of this type.
trim_value        If you don't want beginning and ending whitespace trimmed
input_to_value    To process the field before storing, after validation
validate_field    If you don't want invalid fields cleared, subclass & restore 
Add your own field attributes in your custom Field classes.



The schema method is primarily intended for non-Catalyst users, so that they can pass in their DBIx::Class schema object.


my $validated = $form->update_from_form( $parameter_hash );

This is not the same as the routine called with $c->update_from_form. That is a Catalyst plugin routine that calls this one. This routine updates or creates the object from values in the form.

All fields that refer to columns and have changed will be updated. Field names that are a single relationship will be updated. Any field names that are related to the class by "has_many" are assumed to have a mapping table and will be updated. Validation is run unless validation has already been run. ($form->clear might need to be called if the $form object stays in memory between requests.)

The actual update is done in the update_model method. Your form class can override that method (but don't forget to call SUPER) if you wish to do additional database inserts or updates. This is useful when a single form updates multiple tables, or there are secondary tables to update.

Returns false if form does not validate, otherwise returns 1. Very likely dies on database errors.


The place to put validation that requires database-specific lookups. Subclass this method in your form.


This is where the database row is updated. If you want to do some extra database processing (such as updating a related table) this is the method to subclass in your form.

It currently assumes that any "has_many" relationship name used as a field in your form is for a "multiple" select list. This will probably change in the future.


This subroutine is only called for "auto" fields, defined like: return { auto_required => ['name', 'age', 'sex', 'birthdate'], auto_optional => ['hobbies', 'address', 'city', 'state'], };

Pass in a column and it will guess the field type and return it.

Currently returns: DateTimeDMYHM - for a has_a relationship that isa DateTime Select - for a has_a relationship Multiple - for a has_many

otherwise: DateTimeDMYHM - if the field ends in _time Text - otherwise

Subclass this method to do your own field type assignment based on column types. Don't use "pre_load_forms" if using auto fields. The DBIx::Class schema isn't available yet.


This method is used with "Single" and "Multiple" field select lists ("single", "filter", and "multi" relationships). It returns an array reference of key/value pairs for the column passed in. The column name defined in $field->label_column will be used as the label. The default label_column is "name". The labels are sorted by Perl's cmp sort.

If there is an "active" column then only active values are included, except if the form (item) has currently selected the inactive item. This allows existing records that reference inactive items to still have those as valid select options. The inactive labels are formatted with brackets to indicate in the select list that they are inactive.

The active column name is determined by calling: $active_col = $form->can( 'active_column' ) ? $form->active_column : $field->active_column;

This allows setting the name of the active column globally if your tables are consistantly named (all lookup tables have the same column name to indicate they are active), or on a per-field basis.

The column to use for sorting the list is specified with "sort_order". The currently selected values in a Multiple list are grouped at the top (by the Multiple field class).


This method return's a field's value (for $field->value) with either a scalar or an array ref from the object stored in $form->item.

This method is not called if a method "init_value_$field_name" is found in the form class - that method is called instead. This allows overriding specific fields in your form class.


For fields that are marked "unique", checks the database for uniqueness.

     unique => ['user_id', 'username']

or hashref:
     unique => {
         username => 'That username is already taken',


This is called first time $form->item is called. If using the Catalyst plugin, it sets the DBIx::Class schema from the Catalyst context, and the model specified as the first part of the object_class in the form. If not using Catalyst, it uses the "schema" passed in on "new".

It then does:

return $self->resultset->find( $self->item_id );

It also validates that the item id matches /^\d+$/. Override this method in your form class (or form base class) if your ids do not match that pattern.


Initializes the DBIx::Class schema. User may override. Non-Catalyst users should pass schema in on new: $my_form_class->new(item_id => $id, schema => $schema)


Returns a DBIx::Class::ResultSource object for this Result Class.


This method returns a resultset from the "object_class" specified in the form, or from the foreign class that is retrieved from a relationship.


When passed the name of the has_many relationship for a many_to_many pseudo-relationship, this subroutine returns the relationship and column name from the mapping table to the current table, and the relationship and column name from the mapping table to the foreign table.

This code assumes that the mapping table has only two columns and two relationships, and you must have correct DBIx::Class relationships defined.

For different table arrangements you could subclass this method to return the correct relationship and column names.

build_form and _build_fields

These methods from Form::Processor are subclassed here to allow combining "required" and "optional" lists in one "fields" list, with "required" set like other field attributes.


The author can be contacted through the Catalyst or DBIx::Class mailing lists or IRC channels (gshank).


Form::Processor Form::Processor::Field Form::Processor::Model::CDBI Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor Rose::Object


Gerda Shank


Based on Form::Processor::Model::CDBI written by Bill Moseley.


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.