Changes for version 0.02

  • Fixed pod formatting, naming of files


Index of the Manual
FormHandler use recipes
basic usage of FormHandler
use FormHandler with Catalyst


a base controller for Catalyst
a Moose role for Catalyst controllers
validate and process form data
Base class for HTML::FormHandler Fields
A true or false field
A boolean checkbox field type
single field for mm/dd/yyyy dates
compound field for dates
Validates email uisng Email::Valid
accept integer from 0 to 23
Input HTML in a textarea
Select an integer range in a select list
validate an integer value
input range from 0 to 60
Input US currenty-like values.
Select list of 1 to 12
Select list for a day number 1 to 31
Select list for month names
Select one or more options
Validates input is a positive integer
Select list for seconds
A simple text entry field
Select valid day of the week
multiple days of week in a string
Select a recent year.
default model base class
Class::DBI model class for HTML::FormHandler
Model class for FormHandler using DBIx::Class
Simple rendering routine


in lib/HTML/FormHandler/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/I18N/