

A base controller class for Catalyst controllers to use HTML::FormHandler forms.


In a Catalyst controller:

package MyApp::Controller::Book;
use base 'Catalyst::Controller::Form::Processor';

__PACKAGE__->config( model_name => 'DB', form_name_space => 'MyApp::Form');

sub edit : Local {
   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

sub form : Private {
    my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;

   # Name template, or allow default 'book/'
   $self->ctx->stash->{template} = 'book/';

   # Name form, or use default 'Book::Add'
   my $validated = $self->update_from_form( $id, 'Book' ); 
   return if !$validated; # This (re)displays the form, because it's the
                          # 'end' of the method, and the 'default end' action
                          # takes over, which is to render the view
   # or simpler syntax: return unless $self->update_from_form( $id, 'Book');

   # get the new book that was just created by the form
   my $new_book = $c->stash->{form}->item;


Or configure model_name and form_name_space for the entire app:

MyApp->config( { 'Controller::HTML::FormHandler' => 
       { model_name => 'DB', form_name_space => 'MyApp::Form' }} );

Config Options


Set the Catalyst model name. Currently only used by Form::Processor::Model::DBIC.


Set the name space to look for forms. Otherwise, forms will be found in a "Form" directory parallel to the controller directory. Override with "+" and complete package name.



Determine the form package name, and "require" the form. Massage the parameters into the form expected by Form::Processor, including getting the schema from the model name and passing it into the DBIC model. Put the form object into the Catalyst stash.


Validate the form


Use for forms that have a database interface


convenience method checking for POST


The "end" method will use FillInForm to render the form, unless the "fif" config value has been set to false.

If you have a custom "end" routine in your subclassed controllers and want to use FillInForm to fill in your forms, you can use this as a sample of how to handle FillInForm in your custom 'end'.


Gerda Shank, modeled on Catalyst::Plugin::Form::Processor by Bill Moseley


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 98:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 203:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 212:

=back without =over