Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use lib 't/lib';
eval "use DBIx::Class";
plan skip_all => 'DBIX::Class required' if $@;
plan tests => 10;
my $schema = BookDB::Schema::DB->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/db/book.db');
my $id = 99;
my $record = $schema->resultset('Book')->find($id);
$record->delete if $record;
package My::Form;
has '+item_class' => ( default => 'Book' );
has_field 'title' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );
has_field 'author';
no HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
my $form = My::Form->new( item_id => $id, schema => $schema );
ok( $form, 'get form');
my $title_field = $form->field('title');
ok( !$title_field->value, 'did not get title from form');
my $params = {
'title' => 'How to Test Perl Form Processors',
'author' => 'I.M. Author',
'isbn' => '123-02345-0502-2' ,
'publisher' => 'EreWhon Publishing',
ok( $form->validate( $params ), 'validate data' );
ok( $form->update_model, 'update validated data');
my $book = $form->item;
END { $book->delete }
ok($book->id != 99,'book row ID does not match ID passed in object from form');
is( $book->publisher, undef, 'No publisher, because no field');
# make sure that primary keys included by error do not update
package My::Form2;
extends 'My::Form';
has_field 'id' => ( type => 'Integer' );
no HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
$id = $book->id;
$form = My::Form2->new( $book );
ok( $form, 'get form for Form2' );
$form->update( params => { title => 'How to Test, Volume 2' } );
is( $book->title, 'How to Test, Volume 2', 'get new title');
is( $book->id, $id, 'id is correct' );