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use Test::More tests => 16;
use lib 't/lib';
use_ok( 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Duration');
my $field = HTML::FormHandler::Field::Duration->new( name => 'duration' );
ok( $field, 'get compound field');
my $input = {
hours => 1,
minutes => 2,
is_deeply( $field->input, $input, 'field input is correct');
is_deeply( $field->fif, $input, 'field fif is same');
package Duration::Form;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
has_field 'name' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'duration' => ( type => 'Duration' );
has_field 'duration.hours' => ( type => 'Nested' );
has_field 'duration.minutes' => ( type => 'Nested' );
my $form = Duration::Form->new;
ok( $form, 'get compound form' );
ok( $form->field('duration'), 'duration field' );
ok( $form->field('duration.hours'), 'duration.hours field' );
my $params = { name => 'Testing', 'duration.hours' => 2, 'duration.minutes' => 30 };
$form->validate( params => $params );
ok( $form->validated, 'form validated' );
is_deeply($form->fif, $params, 'get fif with right value');
is( $form->value('duration')->hours, 2, 'duration value is correct');
package Form::Start;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
has_field 'name' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'start_date' => ( type => 'DateTime' );
has_field 'start_date.month' => ( type => 'Month' );
has_field '' => ( type => 'MonthDay' );
has_field 'start_date.year' => ( type => 'Year' );
my $dtform = Form::Start->new;
ok( $dtform, 'datetime form' );
$params = { name => 'DT_testing', 'start_date.month' => '10',
'' => '2', 'start_date.year' => '2008' };
$dtform->validate( params => $params );
ok( $dtform->validated, 'form validated' );
is( $dtform->value('start_date')->mdy, '10-02-2008', 'datetime value');
has_field 'aaa' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'bbb' => ( type => 'Text' );
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
has_field 'compound' => ( type => '+Field::MyCompound' );
$form = Form::TestValues->new;
ok( $form, 'Compound form with separate fields declarations created' );
$params = {
'' => 'aaa',
'compound.bbb' => 'bbb',
$form->validate( params => $params );
is_deeply( $form->values, { compound => { aaa => 'aaa', bbb => 'bbb' } }, 'Compound with separate fields - values in hash' );
is_deeply( $form->fif, $params, 'get fif from compound field' );