Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
plan tests => 11;
package My::Form;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
subtype 'MyStr'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { /^a/ };
subtype 'MyInt'
=> as 'Int';
coerce 'MyInt'
=> from 'MyStr'
=> via { return $1 if /(\d+)/ };
type 'MyDateTime'
=> message { 'This is not a correct date' };
coerce 'MyDateTime'
=> from 'HashRef'
=> via { DateTime->new( $_ ) };
has_field 'sprintf_filter' => (
apply => [ { transform => sub{ sprintf '<%.1g>', $_[0] } } ]
has_field 'date_time_error' => (
apply => [ { transform => sub{ DateTime->new( $_[0] ) },
message => 'Not a valid DateTime' } ],
has_field 'date_time' => (
type => 'Compound',
apply => [ { transform => sub{ DateTime->new( $_[0] ) } } ],
has_field 'date_time.year' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_time.month' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_time.day' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'coerce_error' => (
apply => [ 'MyInt' ]
has_field 'coerce_pass' => (
apply => [ 'MyInt' ]
has_field 'date_coercion_pass' => (
type => 'Compound',
apply => [ 'MyDateTime' ],
has_field 'date_coercion_pass.year' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_coercion_pass.month' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_coercion_pass.day' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_coercion_error' => (
type => 'Compound',
apply => [ 'MyDateTime' ],
has_field 'date_coercion_error.year' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_coercion_error.month' => ( type => 'Text', );
has_field 'date_coercion_error.day' => ( type => 'Text', );
my $form = My::Form->new();
ok( $form, 'get form' );
my $params = {
sprintf_filter => '100',
date_time_error => 'aaa',
'date_time.year' => 2009,
'date_time.month' => 4,
'date_time.day' => 16,
coerce_error => 'b10',
coerce_pass => 'a10',
'date_coercion_pass.year' => 2009,
'date_coercion_pass.month' => 4,
'date_coercion_pass.day' => 16,
'date_coercion_error.year' => 2009,
'date_coercion_error.month' => 20,
'date_coercion_error.day' => 16,
is( $form->field('sprintf_filter')->value, '<1e+02>', 'sprintf filter' );
ok( $form->field('date_time_error')->has_errors, 'DateTime error catched' );
is( $form->field('date_time_error')->errors->[0], 'Not a valid DateTime', 'error message');
is( ref $form->field('date_time')->value, 'DateTime', 'DateTime object created' );
ok( $form->field('coerce_error')->has_errors, 'no suitable coercion - error' );
is( $form->field('coerce_pass')->value, 10, 'coercion filter' );
is( ref $form->field('date_coercion_pass')->value, 'DateTime', 'values coerced to DateTime object' );
ok( $form->field('date_coercion_error')->has_errors, 'DateTime coercion error' );
my ( $message ) = $form->field('date_coercion_error')->errors;
is( $message, 'This is not a correct date', 'Error message for coercion' );
$params->{coerce_pass} = '10';
$params->{sprintf_filter} = '<1e+02>';
is_deeply( $form->fif, $params, 'fif is correct' );