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use Test::More tests => 6;
use lib 't/lib';
package My::Form;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
# this form specifies the form name
#sub init_field_name_space { 'BookDB::Form::Field' }
has '+field_name_space' => ( default => 'BookDB::Form::Field' );
has_field 'field_one' => ( type => '+AltText', another_attribute => 'one' );
has_field 'field_two' => ( type => '+AltText', another_attribute => 'two' );
has_field 'field_three' => ( type => '+AltText', another_attribute => 'three' );
my $form = My::Form->new;
ok( $form, 'get form' );
my $params = {
field_one => 'one two three four',
field_two => 'one three four',
field_three => 'one three four',
$form->validate( $params );
ok( !$form->validated, 'form validated' );
ok( !$form->field('field_one')->has_errors, 'field one has no error');
is( $form->field('field_two')->has_errors, 1, 'field two has one error');
is( $form->field('field_two')->errors->[0],
'Fails AltText validation', 'get error message' );
ok( !$form->field('field_three')->has_errors, 'field three has no error');