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use strict;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use lib 't/lib';
use_ok( 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text' );
my $field = HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text->new(
name => 'password',
type => 'Text',
required => 1,
password => 1,
is( $field->password, 1, 'password is set');
is( $field->value, 'abcdef', 'set and get value' );
is( $field->fif, undef, 'no fif for password');
$field = HTML::FormHandler::Field::Text->new(
name => 'not_password',
type => 'Text',
required => 1,
is( $field->password, undef, 'password is not set');
is( $field->value, 'abcdef', 'set and get value' );
is( $field->fif, 'abcdef', 'get fif');
is( $field->fif, undef, 'get undef fif' );
is( $field->fif, 'xyz', 'get fif from input');