Changes for version 0.22

  • Removed development only test from distribution Expanded apply documentation.


Index of the Manual
FormHandler use recipes
basic usage of FormHandler
use FormHandler with Catalyst


form handler written in Moose
Base class for HTML::FormHandler Fields
A true or false field
A checkbox field type
field consisting of subfields
Produces DateTime from HTML form values
DateTime::Duration from HTML form values
Validates email uisng Email::Valid
accept integer from 0 to 23
Input HTML in a textarea
Select an integer range in a select list
validate an integer value
input range from 0 to 60
Input US currenty-like values.
Select list of 1 to 12
Select list for a day number 1 to 31
Select list for month names
Select one or more options
for nested elements of compound fields
Validates input is a positive integer
Select list for seconds
A simple text entry field
Select valid day of the week
Select a recent year.
role to build field array
generate form classes from DBIC schema
default model base class
Class::DBI model class for HTML::FormHandler
Model class for FormHandler using DBIx::Class
to add FormHandler sugar
to add FormHandler sugar to Roles
Simple rendering routine


in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Generator/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/I18N/