HTML::FormHandler::Field::Password - Input a password


Validates that it does not contain spaces (\s), contains only wordcharacters (alphanumeric and underscore \w), is not all digits, and is at least 6 characters long.

You can add additional checks by using 'apply' in the field definition:

has_field 'password' => ( type => 'Password', 
       apply => [ { check => sub { .... },
                    message => 'Password must contain....' } ],

If a password field is not required, then the field will be marked 'noupdate', to prevent a null from being saved into the database.


Set this attribute to the name of your username field (default 'username') if you want to check that the password is not the same as the username. Does not check by default.


Gerda Shank


See HTML::FormHandler for copyright.

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