Changes for version 0.29

  • Add CheckboxGroup widget, add MooseX::Traits to Form & Field class Fix bug where defaults were not being used with an initial object Fix DateTime field to trap DateTime errors, pass hash in value Use build_label for field labels Remove use of Class::Load, instead use Class::MOP::load_class() Add set_active and make switching fields to active simpler Fix bug when options lists from db are empty Add encode_entities to rendering widgets Switch from init_value_<fieldname> to default_<fieldname> Change upload field. Improve setting of method defaults for set_default, set_validate, set_options


Index of the Manual
Using HFH forms in Catalyst controllers
FormHandler use recipes
basic usage of FormHandler
use FormHandler with Catalyst


form handler written in Moose
role to build field array
Base class for HTML::FormHandler Fields
A true or false field
A checkbox field type
field consisting of subfields
a date field with formats
DateTime::Duration from HTML form values
Validates email uisng Email::Valid
accept integer from 0 to 23
Input HTML in a textarea
Select an integer range in a select list
validate an integer value
input range from 0 to 59
Input US currency-like values.
Select list of 1 to 12
Select list for a day number 1 to 31
Select list for month names
Select one or more options
for nested elements of compound fields
Validates input is a positive integer
field for primary keys for Repeatable related fields.
Repeatable (array) field
Select list for seconds
A simple text entry field
Select valid day of the week
Select a recent year.
default model base class
Class::DBI model class for HTML::FormHandler
to add FormHandler sugar
to add FormHandler sugar to Roles
Simple rendering routine
render a form with a table layout
render a form with a table layout


in lib/HTML/FormHandler/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/I18N/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Model/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Field/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Wrapper/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Wrapper/
in lib/HTML/FormHandler/Widget/Wrapper/