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HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Templates - using templates


Documentation on templates to use with HTML::FormHandler

Using templates

There are lots of different ways to set up templates. One way is to create a 'widget' directory, and store template snippets there.

You can use the default 'widget' for the field class, or set the 'widget' for the field in your form:

fields => [
my_special_field => {
type => 'Text',
widget => 'my_special_widget',
my_second_field => {
type => 'Text',
widget => 'yet_another_widget',

And include them in a generic template:

[% PROCESS widget/form_start.tt %]
[% FOREACH f IN form.sorted_fields %]
[% PROCESS widget/${f.widget}.tt %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS widget/form_end.tt %]

Sample templates

Note that the following templates assume that the field is in a TT variable "f", as though they were processed in the above loop. Otherwise the individual fields could be preceded by something like:

[% f = form.field('title') %]

Text input field with error class on div & error messages

<div class="[% f.css_class %] [% IF f.has_errors %]error_fld[% END %]">
[% IF f.has_errors %]
[% FOR error IN f.errors %]
<p><span class="error" id="error">[% error %] </span></p>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]</label>
<input type="text" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]" value="[% f.fif %]">

Simple text field;

[% f = form.field('text_field') %]
<div><label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]: </label>
<input type="text" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]" value="[% f.fif %]" /> </div>

Select field

Single select:

<label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]</label>
<select name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]>
[% FOR option IN f.options %]
<option value="[% option.value %]"
[% IF option.value == f.fif %]
[% END %]>
[% option.label %]</option>
[% END %]

Multiple select:

<label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]</label>
<select name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]
multiple="multiple" size="[% f.size %]">
[% FOR option IN f.options %]
<option value="[% option.value %]"
[% FOREACH optval IN f.value %]
[% IF optval == option.value %]
[% END %]
[% END %]>
[% option.label %]</option>
[% END %]

Warning: TT has problems with single element arrays. If you are likely to have a single element in a select list, you might want to use the rendering method instead or add an extra "choose" row. (If you come up with a good solution, please submit a doc patch.)


<div><label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]: </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]" value="1" />


<div><label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]" </label>
<textarea name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]"
rows="[% f.rows %]" cols="[% f.cols %]">[% f.fif %]</textarea></div>


<div><input type="hidden" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]"
value="[% f.fif %]" /></div>


<div><input type="submit" name="[% f.html_name %]" id="[% f.id %]"
value="[% f.value %]" /></div>

Radio group

<label class="label" for="[% f.id %]">[% f.label %]</label>
[% FOR option IN f.options %]
<input type="radio" value="[% option.value %]"
name="[% f.name %]"
[% IF option.value == f.fif %]
[% END %]>
[% option.label %]<br />
[% END %]


HTML::FormHandler Contributors; see HTML::FormHandler


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.