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HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple - simple rendering role


version 0.34001


This is a Moose role that is an example of a very simple rendering routine for HTML::FormHandler. It has almost no features, but can be used as an example for producing something more complex. The idea is to produce your own custom rendering roles...

You are advised to create a copy of this module for use in your forms, since it is not possible to make improvements to this module and maintain backwards compatibility.

In your Form class:

   package MyApp::Form::Silly;
   use Moose;
   extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
   with 'HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple';

In a template:

   [% form.render %]

or for individual fields:

   [% form.render_field( 'title' ) %]


This role provides HTML output routines for the 'widget' types defined in the provided FormHandler fields. Each 'widget' name has a 'widget_$name' method here.

These widget routines output strings with HTML suitable for displaying form fields.

The widget for a particular field can be defined in the form. You can create additional widget routines in your form for custom widgets.

The fill-in-form values ('fif') are cleaned with the 'render_filter' method of the base field class. You can change the filter to suit your own needs: see HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Rendering


To render all the fields in a form in sorted order (using 'sorted_fields' method).

render_start, render_end

Will render the beginning and ending <form> tags and fieldsets. Allows for easy splitting up of the form if you want to hand-render some of the fields.

   [% form.render_start %]
   [% form.render_field('title') %]
   <insert specially rendered field>
   [% form.render_field('some_field') %]
   [% form.render_end %]


Render a field passing in a field object or a field name

   $form->render_field( $field )
   $form->render_field( 'title' )


Output an HTML string for a text widget


Output an HTML string for a password widget


Output an HTML string for a hidden input widget


Output an HTML string for a 'select' widget, single or multiple


Output an HTML string for a 'checkbox' widget


Output an HTML string for a 'radio_group' selection widget. This widget should be for a field that inherits from 'Select', since it requires the existance of an 'options' array.


Output an HTML string for a textarea widget


Renders field with 'compound' widget


Renders field with 'submit' widget


FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Gerda Shank.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.