use strict;
use Carp;
use Expect;
=head1 NAME
BBS::UserInfo::Maple3 - Get user information of Maple3-style BBS
our $VERSION = '0.01';
use BBS::UserInfo::Maple3;
my $foo = BBS::UserInfo::Maple3->new(
'debug' => 1,
'port' => 23,
'server' => '',
'telnet' => '/usr/bin/telnet',
'timeout' => 10
# connect to the server
$bot->connect() or die('Unable to connect BBS');
my $userdata = $bot->query('username');
# print some data
=head2 new()
Create a BBS::UserInfo::Maple3 object, there are some parameters that
you can define:
server => '' # Necessary, server name
port => 23 # Optional, server port
telnet => 'telnet' # Optional, telnet program
timeout => 10 # Optional, Expect timeout
debug => 1 # Optional, print debug information
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
my %self = (
'debug' => 0,
'password' => '', # incomplete function
'port' => 23,
'server' => undef,
'telnet' => 'telnet',
'timeout' => 10,
'username' => 'guest' # incomplete function
while (my ($k, $v) = each(%params)) {
$self{$k} = $v if (exists $self{$k});
return bless(\%self, $class);
=head2 connect()
Connect to the BBS server.
sub connect {
my $self = shift();
$self->{'expect'} = Expect->spawn($self->{'telnet'}, $self->{'server'},
return undef unless (defined($self->_login($self)));
return $self->{'expect'};
sub _login {
my $self = shift();
my $bot = $self->{'expect'};
my $debug = $self->{'debug'};
print("Waiting for login\n") if ($debug);
$bot->expect($self->{'timeout'}, '-re', '½Ð¿é¤J¥N¸¹');
return undef if ($bot->error());
$bot->send($self->{'username'}, "\n");
return 1;
=head2 query()
Query user information and return a hash reference with:
=over 4
=item * nickname
=item * logintimes
=item * posttimes
=item * lastlogintime
=item * lastloginip
sub query {
my ($self, $user) = @_;
my $bot = $self->{'expect'};
my $debug = $self->{'debug'};
my $timeout = $self->{'timeout'};
$bot->send("t\nq\n", $user, "\n");
my %h;
print("Waiting for nickname, logintimes, and posttimes\n") if ($debug);
$bot->expect($timeout, '-re', '\w+\((.*)\)\s?¤W¯¸\s?(\d+)\s?¦¸¡A¤å³¹\s?(\d+)\s?½g¡A');
$h{'nickname'} = ($bot->matchlist)[0];
$h{'logintimes'} = ($bot->matchlist)[1];
$h{'posttimes'} = ($bot->matchlist)[2];
printf("nickname = %s\n", $h{'nickname'}) if ($debug);
printf("logintimes = %s\n", $h{'logintimes'}) if ($debug);
printf("posttimes = %s\n", $h{'posttimes'}) if ($debug);
return undef if ($bot->error());
print("Waiting for lastelogintime and lastloginip\n") if ($debug);
$bot->expect($timeout, '-re', '¤W¦¸\((.+)\)¨Ó¦Û\((\S+)\)');
$h{'lastlogintime'} = ($bot->matchlist)[0];
$h{'lastloginip'} = ($bot->matchlist)[1];
printf("lastlogintime = %s\n", $h{'lastlogintime'}) if ($debug);
printf("lastloginip = %s\n", $h{'lastloginip'}) if ($debug);
return undef if ($bot->error());
return \%h;
=head1 AUTHOR
Gea-Suan Lin, C<< <gslin at> >>
Copyright 2006 Gea-Suan Lin, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of BBS::UserInfo::Maple3