Hardware::Simulator - Perl extension for Perl Hardware Descriptor Language


use Hardware::Simulator;

# NewSignal( perl_variable [, initial_value]);
# create a signal called $in_clk, give it an initial value of 1
NewSignal(my $in_clk,1);

# Repeater ( time_units , code_ref)
# every time_units, call the code reference, starting at the current time
Repeater ( 5, sub{if ( $in_clk==0) { $in_clk=1;} else { $in_clk=0;}});

# Responder ( [signal_name ... signal_name], code_ref );
# respond to any changes to signals by calling code reference.
# any time out_clk changes, print value of clock and simulation time.
Responder ( $out_clk,  sub
  my $time = SimTime();
  print "out_clk = $out_clk. time=$time\n";

# start processing of events and event scheduling.


Hardware::Simulator ==> a Perl Hardware Descriptor Language

Hardware::Simulator is a lightweight version of VHDL or Verilog HDL. All of these languages were developed as means to describe hardware.

Hardware::Simulator was created as a means to quickly prototype a basic hardware design and simulate it. VHDL and Verilog are both restrictive in their own ways. Hardware::Simulator was created to quickly put something together as a "proof of concept", to show that a design concept would work or not. and then the design could be translated to VHDL or Verilog.

The problem that started all of this was designing a fifo for a video scaling asic. The chip used a buffer to store incoming video data. The asic read the buffer to generate the outgoing video image. We estimated how large we thought the buffer needed to be, but we wanted to confirm that our numbers were right by running simulations.

The problem was we needed to run hundreds of different simulations, given the permutations of input image formats, output image formats, and input/output clock frequencies. We also had text files containing valid formats and frequencies. A text file as input called for perl to manipulate, split, format, and extract the data properly.

This data then had to be translated onto the a HDL simulation. The problem was that there was no easy way to write a perl script that would simulate hardware, so the only solution was to have perl drive a Verilog simulator and pass all these parameters via command line parameters. so then verilog files had to be created, and the simulator had to be driven, and the end result was a lot of work to simulate a simple fifo.

Time contraints did not allow me to develop a HDL package for perl to solve the original problem, but I took it on in my spare time. and eventually Hardware::Simulator was born.

quick lesson of the competition:

VHDL was developed as part of a government program to develop a standard language for describing the functionality and structure of IC's. It became an IEEE standard in 1987. The VHDL acronym comes from combining VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) with HDL (Hardware Descriptor Language).

Verilog HDL was a propietary language developed by Gateway Design Automation in 1984. Verilog HDL was placed in the public domain in 1987.

Note that VHDL and Verilog have been around for a while, and if you wish to do ASIC design in an HDL, you will eventually need to use either VHDL or Verilog. Tools are available to take VHDL and/or Verilog files and "synthesize" them into a file describing an ASIC at the gate level. it is this gate level file that is used by the asic foundry to put silicon in the right places. Hardware::Simulator has no synthesis tool ...yet ;) ... so it is only useful to architect a design and prove it works, before translating it into VHDL or Verilog.

back to Hardware::Simulator:

Perl HDL is a perl package used to provide the basic capabilities needed to simulate the parallelism of hardware, versus the singular processing of a software language. Here's a brief example of code which uses this parallelism:

####################################################################3 use Hardware::Simulator;

# declare signals and regular variables

NewSignal(my $in_clk,1); NewSignal(my $out_clk,1);

# create hardware (parallel) logic

Repeater ( 5, sub{ if ( $in_clk==0) { $in_clk=1;} else { $in_clk=0;} print "in_clk = $in_clk\n"; }); Repeater (13, sub{ if ($out_clk==0) {$out_clk=1;} else {$out_clk=0;} print "out_clk = $out_clk\n"; });

# start processing the hardware events. EventLoop(); ####################################################################3

The first thing the Hardware::Simulator module does is introduce the notion of time and parallelism. Software generally is only concerned with "now". Hardware has all of its logic operating simultaneously. To keep track of it all, hardware "events" are "scheduled". Multiple events may be scheduled at the same time, or independent of one another.

One way to schedule events in Hardware::Simulator is with the Repeater subroutine:

Repeater( time_period, code_ref);

The Repeater routine takes two parameters, an integer and a subroutine reference. The integer indicates how often to do something. (it can represent seconds, or nanoseconds, or fortnights, the units are up to you). The code reference indicates what to do when the time has passed.

In the above example, there are two clock generators, coded using the Repeater subroutine. One call says "every 5 time units, invert in_clock". The other Repeater routine says "every 13 time units, invert the out_clock". Once these two routines are called, the EventLoop can be called, and the clock signals will be generated independent of one another.

The above example shows both the concept of simulation time and parallelism. If you run the above example, you would see in_clk and out_clk toggling at their assigned periods, in_clk every 5 units, out_clk every 13 units. This means that in_clk might toggle 2 or 3 times for every time that out_clk toggled.

The concept of simulation time is derived from this. Simulation time starts at time zero. From time zero, events are scheduled to reflect how much time into the future they will occur. In the above example, the Repeater routine schedules in_clk to be toggled at time 0, 5, 10, 15 time units, etc. In comparison, the second Repeater routine schedules out_clk to be toggled at time 0, 13, 26, 39 time units, and so on.

Note that simulation time is a concept, independent of cpu time or the value returned by the `time` function. Simulation time might be 30, and then the next event scheduled to execute at time 42, so simulation time is immidiately advanced to 42, and the event is executed.

The EventLoop routine takes care of the event scheduling and event execution. The end result is that in_clk and out_clk are toggled in parallel with one another, as independent pieces of code. And that this is accomplished by introducing the concept of simulation time.

Note that at time 65, both routines will be executed. The EventLoop routine will see multiple events scheduled for the same time and must serialize them, and execute them one at a time. The order in which the events are executed for the same simulation time are indeterminant.

This happens whether you use Hardware::Simulator, VHDL, or Verilog, and is a reflection of the underlying hardware. The difference is that it is possible to simulate something and get the right answer by chance, and then have the real hardware be non-functional. It is up to the designer to write code that is not susceptible to this problem. (designer beware)

multiple events within the same simulation time will be executed within different "time slices" within that simulation time. At time 65, there will be two time slices, one for Repeater in_clk, and one for Repeater out_clk. Which order they get executed in is indeterminant.


another concept introduced by HDL's is the concept of "sensitivity".

Hardware examples of this are flip-flops which have data and a clock as input, and a Q-output. The flip-flop output changes only when the clock input goes from a zero to a one. Changes of the data input do not affect the Q-output, except that the data value is captured when the clock goes high, copied to the q-output, and frozen there until the next clock edge.

The flip-flop is said to be "sensitive" to the clock signal, and not sensitive to the data signal.

another example would be an "AND" gate. An AND gate has two inputs. A change on either input causes the output to change. The AND gate is therefore "Sensitive" to both its inputs.

HDL's use sensitivity as another means to schedule events (in addition to scheduling events based on absolute times, etc).

In Hardware::Simulator, this is accomplished with the "Responder" subroutine.

Responder( [sensitivity_list], code_ref);

The sensitivity list is a list of "Signals" (explained below), which the Responder will monitor. whenever any of these signals change, the Responder will schedule the code_ref to execute "immediately". If no sensitivity list is provided, the code_ref is executed once at simulation time zero.

"Immediately" is quoted, because if Responder1 is executing and causes a signal to change which triggers Responder2, then the Responder2 is SCHEDULED to execute, but will not actually execute until (at the earliest) Responder1 has completed. (they will execute at the same "Simulation time" but within different "time slices").

In VHDL, sensitivity is implemented using "process"es. In Verilog, sensitivity is implemented using "always" blocks.


The word "Signals" is quoted because that is yet another concept of Hardware::Simulator.

The NewSignal subroutine takes a perl scalar variable and turns it into a Hardware::Simulator signal. (note that only perl scalar's are currently supported. you cannot make hashes or lists into signals. hopefully this can be fixed in the future).

NewSignal(my $in_clk,1);

The syntax is NewSignal( perl_scalar_variable [, initial_value]);

A sensitivity list is a list of signals, so at a minimum, if you have any Responders, you must have signals declared for the sensitivity list.

in the below example, the clocks are signals, clk_in and clk_out. These signals are driven by the Repeater routine as before. Three responders have been added to this example, though. two of which have in_clk in its sensitivity list, and one has out_clk in its sensitivity list. Anytime in_clk changes, the two responders are scheduled for execution. Anytime out_clk changes, its responder is scheduled for execution.

Here's the code:

####################################################################### use Hardware::Simulator;

# declare signals and regular variables

NewSignal(my $in_clk,1); NewSignal(my $in_data,42);

NewSignal(my $out_clk,0);

my @fifo;

# create hardware (parallel) logic

Repeater ( 5, sub{if ( $in_clk==0) { $in_clk=1;} else { $in_clk=0;}}); Repeater (13, sub{if ($out_clk==0) {$out_clk=1;} else {$out_clk=0;}});

Responder ( $in_clk, sub { $in_data++; push(@fifo,$in_data);

my $time = SimTime();
print "time=$time \t push $in_data \n";

if (scalar(@fifo) > 5)
	{print "\n\nfifo reached maximum\n\n"; ; }

Responder ( $out_clk, sub { my $out_data = shift(@fifo); my $time = SimTime(); print "time=$time \t\t\t\t shift $out_data \n"; });



The above code implements a simple fifo. Every positive edge of in_clk causes a new value to be pushed onto the @fifo list. Every positive edge of out_clk causes a value to be shifted off the @fifo list. The code will run until there are 5 items in the fifo, indicating fifo overflow.

Any change in a signal in a responder's sensitivity list causes the code reference for that responder to be scheduled. Signals are used for this because they use Perl's built in 'TIE' method so that any assignment to the variable causes the responder event to be scheduled.

This is the only reason that perl variables cannot be used in sensitivity lists.

Signals can be passed to the TickEvent subroutine of Hardware::Simulator. The return value is true or false, indicating whether or not that signal has changed yet during this simulation time. To have code that only works on positive edge of clock, you could do this:

unless (TickEvent($in_clk) and ($in_clk)) {return;}

# else its a positive edge, continue processing.

VHDL implements this using 'event, which is where the Hardware::Simulator name comes from. Verilog implements a limited version of this based on @signal, but this can only be used in certain places within verilog. TickEvent and 'event can be used anywhere.

also, note that both responders use a perl variable (@fifo) which is shared between them. you can share perl variables between processes. A signal is only used to trigger a responder, or to detect TickEvents. Also, note that signals can currently only be scalars, so any data that is not a scalar cannot be a signal, it must be a perl variable.

There is one other concept associated with signals, and its probably the trickiest concept in HDL's. at the beginning of a time slice, all signal values are frozen. Any updates to signals do not actually occur until the last time slice is executed for that simulation time. this is not very intuitive at first glance, but it has its uses in the hardware world.

For example, a hardware pipeline may have 4 signals, say a,b,pipe_output, and pipe_input. These signals may represent four registers within a pipeline. so the code might look like this:

Responder ( $out_clk, sub { $pipe_output = $a; $a = $b; $b = $pipe_input; });

if variables are used, all four values are updated as each line is executed. if signals are used, then all four values are scheduled to be updated when the simulation time changes, which is after all responders are finished for this simulation time. so if signals are used, the order of assignment doesn't matter. You would get the same functionality if you said:

Responder ( $out_clk, sub { $b = $pipe_input; # order independent. $pipe_output = $a; $a = $b; });

This is a lesson that you will not truly learn until you write code that doesn't work the way you expected because you expected the signal to be updated immediately. you might have to do this several times before the point is permanently etched into your brain. here's a short example:

Responder ( $out_clk, sub { $sig = 0; print "Expect sig to be zero. sig is $sig \n"; }

and it prints out something other than zero. what it is printing out is the value of sig before it entered the responder. sig will not get set to the value of zero until the responder is finished.

REMEMBER: signal assignments will not take effect until simulation time changes. until that happens, all reads from signals will read the value the signal had at the beginning of that simulation time.

if you want something to update immediately, it must be a normal perl variable.

As I said, this part is non-intuitive stuff, but both Verilog and VHDL support this functionality in some way, so it is included in Hardware::Simulator. VHDL uses signals and variables, the same as Hardware::Simulator does. Verilog uses blocking and non-blocking assignments.


shortcomings of Hardware::Simulator:

One shortcoming of Hardware::Simulator is that it does not support delay statements within a responder callback.

VHDL might say this:

process(sensitive_signal) -- process 1 begin wait for 10 ns; -- time 10 sig2 = 2; wait for 10 ns; -- time 20 sig4 = 4; end process

process(sensitive_signal) -- process 2 begin wait for 5 ns; --time 5 sig1 = 1; wait for 10 ns; -- time 15 sig3 = 3; end process;

VHDL will handle this properly by calling both processes when the sensitive_signal changes. when it hits a wait statement within a process, the remaining code of the process is scheduled to be executed at a later time. it then moves on to whatever is next. the event schedule would look like this:

sensitive_signal changes at time 0; sig1 = 1 at time 5; (process 2) sig2 = 2 at time 10; (process 1) sig3 = 3 at time 15; (process 2) sig4 = 4 at time 20; (process 1)

Hardware::Simulator is currently unable to execute part of a subroutine reference,stop in mid-execution, execute part of another subroutine, stop in mid-execution, the return to where it left off in the first subroutine (with all signals and variables in tact), and continue execution at that point.

You'll notice that Hardware::Simulator does not have a "WaitFor" routine of any kind. any time based event must be scheduled with a "Repeater" routine. All Hardware::Simulator events are singular subroutine references. once an event is scheduled and begins execution, it cannot stop until it is complete.

This should not be an issue for proof-of-concept code, for prototyping, or for architecture work, but it means that you could have hard time translating VHDL or Verilog code into Hardware::Simulator. Hardware::Simulator is currently a subset of VHDL and Verilog.

Any suggestions for fixing this problem within Perl would be welcome. It is basically a problem with getting Perl to be able to handle multiple, simultaneous calls to subroutines, which just might not be possible to get around. the only other solution, which would require a complete rewrite of, is to translate HDL code into a form that can handle jumping around from one spot to another (basically, a bunch of labels and goto statements). hopefully a more elegant solution is possible.

using "fork" seems overkill for this problem. perhaps when "threads" get implemented into perl, that will provide a solution.



Greg Bartels,

