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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Encode;
sub decompose_po;
sub decompose_po_sg;
sub compose_po;
sub german_handler;
sub american_english_handler;
sub british_english_handler;
sub swiss_german_handler;
sub austrian_german_handler;
sub display_usage;
sub usage_error;
my ($option_language, $option_input, $option_output, $option_help,
GetOptions (
'language=s' => \$option_language,
'input=s' => \$option_input,
'output=s' => \$option_output,
'help' => \$option_help,
'verbose' => \$option_verbose,
) or exit 1;
display_usage if $option_help;
usage_error "the option '--language' is mandatory." unless $option_language;
usage_error "the option '--input' is mandatory." unless $option_input;
usage_error "the option '--output' is mandatory." unless $option_output;
my @filters;
if ($option_language =~ /^de_CH$/) {
push @filters, \&swiss_german_handler;
} elsif ($option_language =~ /^de_AT$/) {
push @filters, \&austrian_german_handler;
} elsif ($option_language =~ /^en_GB$/) {
push @filters, \&british_english_handler;
} elsif ($option_language =~ /^en.*$/) {
push @filters, \&american_english_handler;
} elsif ($option_language =~ /^de/) {
push @filters, \&german_handler;
} elsif ($option_language =~ /^bg/) {
push @filters, \&german_handler;
my $entries = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray ($option_input, 'utf-8') or
die "cannot read file '$option_input': $!\n";
my $alpine_entries;
my $german_to_alpine = {
Samstag => 'Sonnabend',
Januar => "J\xe4nner",
Februar => "Feber",
my $german_to_alpine_re_string = join '|', keys %$german_to_alpine;
my $german_to_alpine_re = qr /($german_to_alpine_re_string)/o;
autoflush STDERR;
print STDERR "$option_language\n";
my $count = 0;
my $file_dirty;
foreach my $entry (@$entries) {
print STDERR '.' if 0 == $count % 10 && $option_verbose;
next if $entry->obsolete;
foreach my $filter (@filters) {
$file_dirty = 1 if &$filter ($entry);
print STDERR " done.\n" if $option_verbose;
if ($file_dirty) {
Locale::PO->save_file_fromarray($option_output, $entries, 'utf-8')
or die "cannot write file '$option_output': $!\n";
sub decompose_po {
my ($entry) = @_;
my @msgstrs;
if ($entry->msgid_plural) {
my $msgstr_n = $entry->msgstr_n;
foreach my $num (sort keys %$msgstr_n) {
push @msgstrs, $entry->dequote($msgstr_n->{$num});
} else {
@msgstrs = $entry->dequote($entry->msgstr);
return @msgstrs;
sub decompose_po_sg {
my ($entry) = @_;
my @msgids = $entry->dequote($entry->msgid);
push @msgids, $entry->dequote($entry->msgid_plural) if $entry->msgid_plural;
return @msgids;
sub compose_po {
my ($entry, @msgstrs) = @_;
my $dirty;
if (@msgstrs > 1) {
# Plural form.
my $msgstr_n = $entry->msgstr_n;
foreach my $num (0 .. @msgstrs) {
my $old = $entry->dequote($msgstr_n->{$num});
my $new = $msgstrs[$num];
if ($old ne $new) {
$dirty = 1;
$msgstr_n->{$num} = $new;
$entry->msgstr_n($msgstr_n) if $dirty;
} else {
my $old = $entry->dequote($entry->msgstr);
if ($old ne $msgstrs[0]) {
$dirty = 1;
return unless $dirty;
return 1;
sub _english_quotes {
my ($entry, $country) = @_;
my $msgid = $entry->dequote($entry->msgid);
return 1 if $msgid eq '';
my @msgstrs = decompose_po $entry;
return 1 if length $msgstrs[0];
my $open_quote = $country eq 'US' ? "\x{201c}" : "\x{2018}";
my $close_quote = $country eq 'US' ? "\x{201d}" : "\x{2019}";
my $dirty;
undef @msgstrs;
foreach my $msg (decompose_po_sg $entry) {
$msg =~ s/(\w)'(\w)/$1\x{2019}$2/;
$msg =~ s/'(.*?)'/${open_quote}$1${close_quote}/g;
push @msgstrs, $msg;
return compose_po $entry, @msgstrs;
sub _german_quotes {
my ($entry, $country) = @_;
my $msgid = $entry->dequote($entry->msgid);
return 1 if $msgid eq '';
my @msgstrs = decompose_po $entry;
my %open = (
DE => "\x{201e}",
CH => "\x{ab}",
my %closed = (
DE => "\x{201c}",
CH => "\x{bb}",
my $open_quote = $open{$country} || $open{DE};
my $closed_quote = $closed{$country} || $open{DE};
my $dirty;
foreach my $msg (@msgstrs) {
$msg =~ s/(\w)'(\w)/$1\x{2019}$2/g;
$msg =~ s/(["'])(.*?)\1/${open_quote}$2${closed_quote}/g;
$msg =~ s/($open{DE})(.*?)$closed{DE}/${open_quote}$2${closed_quote}/g;
return compose_po $entry, @msgstrs;
sub _swiss_sharp_s {
my ($entry, $country) = @_;
my $msgid = $entry->dequote($entry->msgid);
return 1 if $msgid eq '';
my @msgstrs = decompose_po $entry;
my $dirty;
foreach my $msg (@msgstrs) {
$msg =~ s/\x{df}/ss/;
return compose_po $entry, @msgstrs;
sub american_english_handler {
return _english_quotes shift, 'US';
sub british_english_handler {
return _english_quotes shift, 'GB';
sub _alpine_german {
my ($entry) = @_;
unless ($alpine_entries) {
$alpine_entries = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray('de.po', 'utf8')
or die "cannot read file 'de.po': $!\n";
my $msgid = $entry->dequote($entry->msgid);
return unless length $msgid;
# Already translated?
my @msgstrs = decompose_po $entry;
return if length $msgstrs[0];
# Get the German translation for it.
undef @msgstrs;
foreach my $alpine_entry (@$alpine_entries) {
my $alpine_msgid = $alpine_entry->dequote($alpine_entry->msgid);
next if $alpine_msgid ne $msgid;
my $alpine_msgctxt = $alpine_entry->msgctxt;
next if $alpine_msgctxt ne $entry->msgctxt;
@msgstrs = decompose_po $alpine_entry;
return if !length $msgstrs[0];
return unless @msgstrs;
foreach my $msgstr (@msgstrs) {
$msgstr =~ s/$german_to_alpine_re/$german_to_alpine->{$1}/gs;
my $dirty = compose_po $entry, @msgstrs;
return if !$dirty;
return 1;
sub austrian_german_handler {
my ($entry) = @_;
my $dirty = _alpine_german $entry, 'AT';
$dirty = 1 if _german_quotes $entry, 'AT';
return if !$dirty;
return 1;
sub swiss_german_handler {
my ($entry) = @_;
my $dirty = _alpine_german $entry, 'CH';
$dirty = 1 if _german_quotes $entry, 'CH';
$dirty = 1 if _swiss_sharp_s $entry, 'CH';
return if !$dirty;
return 1;
sub german_handler {
return _german_quotes shift, 'DE';
sub display_usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
Mandatory arguments to long options, are mandatory to short options, too.
-l, --language=LANGUAGE The translations are in language LANGUAGE
-i, --input=INPUT Read input from file INPUT
-o, --output=OUTPUT Write output to file OUTPUT
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-v, --verbose Display progress on standard error
Reads a PO file and writes it back after some language-dependent
cosmetic corrections.
sub usage_error {
my $message = shift;
if ($message) {
$message =~ s/\s+$//;
$message = "$0: $message\n";
} else {
$message = '';
die <<EOF;
${message}Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
Try '$0 --help' for more information!