The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#! /usr/bin/env perl # -*- perl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Guido Flohr <>,
# all rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
my $test_dir = __FILE__;
$test_dir =~ s/[-a-z0-9]+\.t$//i;
unshift @INC, $test_dir;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype);
use constant true => $JSON::PP::true;
use constant false => $JSON::PP::false;
my ($site, $got, $expected);
my $expected = {
plugins => '_plug-ins',
po => '_po',
timestamp => '_timestamp',
views => '_views'
$site = TestSite->new(name => 'config-defaults',
config => {
paths => {
plugins => '_plug-ins'
$got = Qgoda->new->config->{paths};
delete $got->{site};
is_deeply $got, $expected, 'replace simple key in top-level object';
my $schema = Qgoda::Schema->config->{properties}->{processors}->{properties};
$expected = {
chains => dclone($schema->{chains}->{default}),
options => dclone($schema->{options}->{default}),
triggers => dclone($schema->{triggers}->{default}),
$expected->{options}->{HTMLFilter}->{TOC}->{start} = 3;
$site = TestSite->new(name => 'config-defaults',
config => {
processors => {
options => {
HTMLFilter => {
TOC => {
# This is normally 2.
start => 3
$got = Qgoda->new->config->{processors};
is_deeply $got, $expected,
'individually overwrite deeply nested processor option';
# FIXME! Test the above with config.processors.chains and
# config.processors.triggers!
# Test that all commands are coerced into arrays.
$site = TestSite->new(name => 'config-defaults',
config => {
helpers => {
make => 'make',
yarn => [qw(yarn start)]
po => {
msgfmt => 'msgfmt',
msgmerge => 'msgmerge',
qgoda => 'qgoda',
tt2 => '_my_views',
xgettext => 'xgettext',
'xgettext-tt2' => 'xgettext-tt2'
defaults => [
files => '/fi',
values => { lingua => 'fi' }
exclude => '*.bak',
'exclude-watch' => '*.bak',
$got = Qgoda->new->rawConfig;
is_deeply $got->{helpers}->{make}, ['make'];
is_deeply $got->{helpers}->{yarn}, ['yarn', 'start'];
is_deeply $got->{po}->{msgfmt}, ['msgfmt'];
ok $got->{defaults}->[0];
ok ref $got->{defaults}->[0];
ok ref $got->{defaults}->[0]->{files};
is ((reftype $got->{defaults}->[0]->{files}), 'ARRAY');
is '/fi', $got->{defaults}->[0]->{files}->[0];
ok $got->{exclude};
ok ref $got->{exclude};
is ((reftype $got->{exclude}), 'ARRAY');
is $got->{exclude}->[0], '*.bak';
ok $got->{'exclude-watch'};
ok ref $got->{'exclude-watch'};
is ((reftype $got->{'exclude-watch'}), 'ARRAY');
is $got->{'exclude-watch'}->[0], '*.bak';
ok ref $got->{po}->{tt2};
is ((reftype $got->{po}->{tt2}), 'ARRAY');
is $got->{po}->{tt2}->[0], '_my_views';
# Test that po->{tt2} is initialized to main view directory.
$site = TestSite->new(name => 'config-defaults',
config => {
paths => {
views => '_your_views'
$got = Qgoda->new->rawConfig;
is ((reftype $got->{po}->{tt2}), 'ARRAY');
ok ref $got->{po}->{tt2};
is ((reftype $got->{po}->{tt2}), 'ARRAY');
is $got->{po}->{tt2}->[0], '_your_views';