use strict;
use constant DEBUG=>1;
our %SHARE;
sub new {
my ($proto,$config,$r)=@_;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
die "Unable to access to sharde memory"
unless tie %SHARE, 'IPC::Shareable',
{key => $r->dir_config("LemonldapUsersNamespace"),
create => 1, mode => 0660, destroy => 1,
size => $r->dir_config("LemonldapUserShmSize") || IPC::Shareable::SHM_BUFSIZ()
my $self;
bless $self, $class;
return $self
sub store {
my ($self,%datas)=@_;
print STDERR "Store new user ".$datas{uid}."\n" if(DEBUG);
my $tmp = $datas{uid}."#"
print STDERR $SHARE{$datas{id}}."\n" if(DEBUG);
sub get {
# Return order: ($id,$uid,$urlReg,$headers,$trace)
my ($self,$id)=@_;
my $s=$SHARE{$id};
return unless($s);
my @t=split /#/, $s;
$t[1] = qr/$s/;
my %h=split /;/, $t[2];
$t[2] = \%h;
return ($id,@t);
sub cleanup {
my $self=shift;
# The cleanup is brutal, but later, we'll use a better one
$self->{share}->clear if($self->{share}->size > $self->{max_size} * 0.95);