CGI::UploadEasy - Facilitate file uploads


use CGI::UploadEasy;
my $ue = CGI::UploadEasy->new(-uploaddir => '/path/to/upload/directory');
my $cgi = $ue->cgiobject;
my $info = $ue->fileinfo;


CGI::UploadEasy is a wrapper around, and relies heavily on, Its purpose is to provide a simple interface to the upload functionality of

At creation of the CGI::UploadEasy object, the module saves one or more files from a file upload request in the upload directory, and information about uploaded files is made available via the fileinfo() method. CGI::UploadEasy performs a number of tests, which limit the risk that you encounter difficulties when developing a file upload application.


my $ue = CGI::UploadEasy->new( -uploaddir => $dir [ , -maxsize => $kibibytes, ... ] )

The new() constructor takes hash style arguments. The following arguments are recognized:


Specifying the upload directory is mandatory.


To control which directory will be used for temporary files, set the -tempdir argument.


Specifies the maximum size in KiB (kibibytes) of a POST request data set. Default limit is 1,000 KiB. To disable this ceiling for POST requests, set a negative -maxsize value.


Returns a reference to the CGI object that CGI::UploadEasy uses internally, which gives access to all the methods.

If you prefer the function-oriented style, you can import a set of methods instead. Example:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header;

Returns a reference to a 'hash of hashes' with info about uploaded files. The info may be of use for a result page and/or an email notification, and it lets you use e.g. MIME type and file size as criteria for how to further process the files.


The otherparam() method returns a list of parameter names representing POSTed data besides uploaded files. To access the values, use's param() method.


This script handles a file upload request by saving a number of files in the upload directory and printing the related info:

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::UploadEasy;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ue = CGI::UploadEasy->new(-uploaddir => '/path/to/upload/directory');
my $info = $ue->fileinfo;
my $cgi = $ue->cgiobject;
print $cgi->header('text/plain');
print Dumper $info;


Since CGI::UploadEasy is meant for file uploads, it requires that the request data is multipart/form-data encoded. An application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST request will cause a fatal error.

No CGI object may be created before the CGI::UploadEasy object has been created, or else the upload will fail. Likewise, if you import method names from, be careful not to call any CGI functions before the creation of the CGI::UploadEasy object.


Copyright © 2005 Gunnar Hjalmarsson

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1 POD Error

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