blck -- check for broken relative links in html pages


blck [-AhW] [-r regexp] html-files


blck searches html files for broken links. I searches only the relative links and does not need a web-server. As it does not need web-access it is very fast. The output of blck is of the same format as gcc error messages and can therefore be interpreted by many common editors (e.g emacs or vim). After editing a some html pages you can just type: blck page1.html ../somewhere/page2.html and blck will check that the links in these pages are correct.

blck checks the relative filesystem links. These are links of the form: href="index.html" href="../somepage.html#anchor1" etc...

but not href="/notchecked.html" href="http://server.somewhere/something.html" href="javascript:history.back();"

All tags containg relative links with href=..., src=..., and background=... are checked.


-h short help message

-a print all links that were not checked (proto:// and absolute file system links starting with \'/\') and do not check for any broken links. This output can be processed further with httpcheck.

-A do not open any other files than the files given on the

-r warn about absolut links matching the given perl regexp E.g: -w \'|\' This match is not case sensitive and only applied to links starting with proto:// (=absolut links).

-W do not print warnings about html errors (not terminated tags etc ...).


Check links in html files in the web server root directory (/home/httpd/html) and in all directories one level down: (cd /home/httpd/html; blck *.html */*.html)

Check links in all html files on the server: (cd /home/httpd/html; blck `find . -name '*.htm*' -print` | sort)

You can use the vim editor Quickfix mode or the emacs/xemacs M-x compile to parse the output of blck. This gives you the possibility to open the concerned web page and jump directly to the line where the broken link is. To do this you can write a Makefile that looks e.g as follows:

all: blck `find . -name '*.htm*' -print` | sort


xlnk is part of the HTML::TagReader package and was written by Guido Socher [guido(at)]