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# RDF::Query::Expression::Unary
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
RDF::Query::Expression::Unary - Class for unary expressions
=head1 VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Expression::Unary version 2.908.
use strict;
no warnings 'redefine';
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Carp qw(carp croak confess);
our ($VERSION);
$VERSION = '2.908';
=head1 METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the
L<RDF::Query::Expression> class.
=over 4
=item C<< sse >>
Returns the SSE string for this algebra expression.
sub sse {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
return sprintf(
'(%s %s)',
map { $_->sse( $context ) } $self->operands,
=item C<< as_sparql >>
Returns the SPARQL string for this algebra expression.
sub as_sparql {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $op = $self->op;
return sprintf("($op %s)", map { $_->as_sparql( $context, $indent ) } $self->operands);
=item C<< evaluate ( $query, \%bound ) >>
Evaluates the expression using the supplied bound variables.
Will return a RDF::Query::Node object.
sub evaluate {
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $bound = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $op = $self->op;
my ($data) = $self->operands;
if ($op eq '+' or $op eq '-') {
my $l = $data->isa('RDF::Query::Algebra')
? $data->evaluate( $query, $bound, $context, @_ )
: ($data->isa('RDF::Query::Node::Variable'))
? $bound->{ $data->name }
: $data;
my $value;
if ($op eq '+') {
$value = $l->numeric_value;
} elsif ($op eq '-') {
$value = -1 * $l->numeric_value;
return RDF::Query::Node::Literal->new( $value, undef, $l->literal_datatype );
} elsif ($op eq '!') {
my $alg = RDF::Query::Expression::Function->new( "sparql:ebv", $data );
my $bool = $alg->evaluate( $query, $bound, $context, @_ );
if ($bool->literal_value eq 'true') {
return RDF::Query::Node::Literal->new( 'false', undef, '' );
} else {
return RDF::Query::Node::Literal->new( 'true', undef, '' );
} else {
warn "unknown unary op: $op";
throw RDF::Query::Error::ExecutionError -text => "Unknown unary op '$op'";
=head1 AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <>