RDF::Trine::Model - Model class


This document describes RDF::Trine::Model version 0.127_01


new ( @stores )

Returns a new model over the supplied rdf store.


Returns a new temporary (non-persistent) model.

dataset_model ( default => \@dgraphs, named => \@ngraphs )

Returns a new model object with the default graph mapped to the union of the graphs named in @dgraphs, and with available named graphs named in @ngraphs.


Provides a hint to the backend that many update operations are about to occur. The backend may use this hint to, for example, aggregate many operations into a single operation, or delay index maintenence. After the update operations have been executed, end_bulk_ops should be called to ensure the updates are committed to the backend.


Provides a hint to the backend that a set of bulk operations have been completed and may be committed to the backend.

add_statement ( $statement [, $context] )

Adds the specified $statement to the rdf store.

add_hashref ( $hashref [, $context] )

Add triples represented in an RDF/JSON-like manner to the model.

See as_hashref for full documentation of the hashref format.

remove_statement ( $statement [, $context])

Removes the specified $statement from the rdf store.

remove_statements ( $subject, $predicate, $object [, $context] )

Removes all statements matching the supplied $statement pattern from the rdf store.


Returns the number of statements in the model.

count_statements ( $subject, $predicate, $object )

Returns a count of all the statements matching the specified subject, predicate and objects. Any of the arguments may be undef to match any value.

get_statements ($subject, $predicate, $object [, $context] )

Returns an iterator of all statements matching the specified subject, predicate and objects from the rdf store. Any of the arguments may be undef to match any value.

If three or fewer arguments are given, the statements returned will be matched based on triple semantics (the graph union of triples from all the named graphs). If four arguments are given (even if $context is undef), statements will be matched based on quad semantics (the union of all quads in the underlying store).

get_pattern ( $bgp [, $context] [, %args ] )

Returns a stream object of all bindings matching the specified graph pattern.

If $context is given, restricts BGP matching to only quads with the $context value.

%args may contain an 'orderby' key-value pair to request a specific ordering based on variable name. The value for the 'orderby' key should be an ARRAY reference containing variable name and direction ('ASC' or 'DESC') tuples. A valid %args hash, therefore, might look like orderby => [qw(name ASC)] (corresponding to a SPARQL-like request to 'ORDER BY ASC(?name)').


Returns an iterator containing the nodes representing the named graphs in the model.


Returns an iterator object containing every statement in the model.


Returns a hashref representing the model in an RDF/JSON-like manner.

A graph like this (in Turtle):

@prefix ex: <> .

    "Foo"@en ,
    "Bar"^^ex:datatype1 .

    ex:object2 ;
  ex:predicate3 ;
    _:bnode3 .

Is represented like this as a hashref:

  "" => {
    "" => [
      { 'type'=>'literal', 'value'=>"Foo", 'lang'=>"en" },
      { 'type'=>'literal', 'value'=>"Bar", 'datatype'=>"" },
  "_:bnode1" => {
    "" => [
      { 'type'=>'uri', 'value'=>"" },
    "" => [
      { 'type'=>'bnode', 'value'=>"_:bnode3" },

Note that the type of subjects (resource or blank node) is indicated entirely by the convention of starting blank nodes with "_:".

This hashref structure is compatible with RDF/JSON and with the ARC2 library for PHP.

Node-Centric Graph API

subjects ( $predicate, $object )

Returns a list of the nodes that appear as the subject of statements with the specified $predicate and $object. Either of the two arguments may be undef to signify a wildcard.

predicates ( $subject, $object )

Returns a list of the nodes that appear as the predicate of statements with the specified $subject and $object. Either of the two arguments may be undef to signify a wildcard.

objects ( $subject, $predicate )

Returns a list of the nodes that appear as the object of statements with the specified $subject and $predicate. Either of the two arguments may be undef to signify a wildcard.

objects_for_predicate_list ( $subject, @predicates )

Given the RDF::Trine::Node objects $subject and @predicates, finds all matching triples in the model with the specified subject and any of the given predicates, and returns a list of object values (in the partial order given by the ordering of @predicates).

bounded_description ( $node )

Returns an RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph object over the bounded description triples for $node (all triples resulting from a graph traversal starting with node and stopping at non-blank nodes).



Gregory Todd Williams <>


Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Gregory Todd Williams. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.