RDF::Trine::Graph - Materialized RDF Graphs for testing isomorphism


This document describes RDF::Trine::Graph version 0.137


use RDF::Trine::Graph;
my $a	= RDF::Trine::Graph->new( $model_a );
my $b	= RDF::Trine::Graph->new( $model_b );
print "graphs are " . ($a->equals( $b ) ? "the same" : "different");


new ( $model )
new ( $iterator )

Returns a new graph from the given RDF::Trine::Model or RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph object.

equals ( $graph )

Returns true if the invocant and $graph represent two equal RDF graphs (e.g. there exists a bijection between the RDF statements of the invocant and $graph).

is_subgraph_of ( $graph )

Returns true if the invocant is a subgraph of $graph. (i.e. there exists an injection of RDF statements from the invocant to $graph.)

injection_map ( $graph )

If the invocant is a subgraph of $graph, returns a mapping of blank node identifiers from the invocant graph to $graph as a hashref. Otherwise returns false. The solution is not always unique; where there exist multiple solutions, the solution returned is arbitrary.


Returns two array refs, containing triples with blank nodes and triples without any blank nodes, respectively.


Returns a RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph object for the statements in this graph.


Returns an error string explaining the last failed equal call.


Gregory Todd Williams <>


Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.