# $Id: User.pm 119 2007-01-18 02:55:33Z hacker $
=head1 NAME
Agent::TCLI::Response - A Response class for Agent::TCLI::Response.
A simple object for storing TCLI responses.
#use warnings;
#use strict;
#use Carp;
use Object::InsideOut qw(Agent::TCLI::Request);
our $VERSION = '0.'.sprintf "%04d", (qw($Id: User.pm 119 2007-01-18 02:55:33Z hacker $))[2];
The following attributes are accessible through standard get_ or set_
methods unless otherwise noted
=head3 body
Main body of response.
my @body :Field
=head3 code
A code for the response, similar to HTTP/SIP.
B<code> will only accept NUMERIC type values.
my @code :Field
#=head3 request
#The request that this is a response to.
#B<request> will only accept Agent::TCLI::Response type values.
#my @request :Field
# :Type('Agent::TCLI::Request')
# :All('request');
This module is an Object::InsideOut object that inherits from Agent::TCLI::Request. It
inherits methods from both. Please refer to their documentation for more
=head1 AUTHOR
Eric Hacker E<lt>hacker at cpan.orgE<gt>
=head2 BUGS
The (ab)use of AUTOMETHODS is probably more a bug than a feature.
SHOULDS and MUSTS are currently not always enforced.
Test scripts not thorough enough.
Probably many others.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2007, Alcatel Lucent, All rights resevred.