DBIx::HTMLView::CGIView - For creating CGI userinterfacees to DBI databases.
package MyCGIViewer;
use DBIx::HTMLView::CGIView; @ISA = ("DBIx::HTMLView::CGIView");
sub new { my ($class,$db,$fmt,$table)=@_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($db,$fmt); my $table=$self->{'Form'}->{'_Table'};
$self->SetParam("_Table", $table);
return $self;
# Overriden and new methods follow here...
This is a subclass of DBIx::HTMLView to create cgi interfaces.
$v=new DBIx::HTMLView::CGIView($db,$fmt);
Creates a new CGIView object passing $db and $fmt to the DBIx::HTMLView constructor. It will also take care of the CGI input and place the key/value pairs in a hash in $v->{'Form'}, and call the $v->Head method to generate the headder.
Prints the page headder to stdout. The idea is to override this method if you want to chnage the headder.
Prints the page footer to stdout. The idea is to override this method if you want to chnage the footer.
Hakan Ardo <>