
Handling compiled HTMLView-fmt's as a mod_perl module in Apache
For handling DBI relation databases and web interfaces
A boolean field
A List user interface for DBI databases
A List user interface for DBI databases
A List user interface for DBI databases
A simple CGI editor for single posts
Common CGI functions for the viewers
A generic DBI databse with SQL interface
A simple date filed
Base class for field classes
Base class for field and relation classes
Basic parser for fmt strings and files
A index field used to identify posts
An integer field
A many to many relation between two tabels
A relation to a set of posts in a specific order
A many to one relation between two tabels
interface for Oracle databases through DBI
A Field specifying one order to display the posts in
A post in a DBI database
A set posts as in a search result for example
A relation base class
A kriteria used to select posts
A single line string filed
A table included as a part of a post in another table
A table within a generic DBI databse
A multi line string filed
interface for msql databases through DBI
interface for mysql databases through DBI


in HTMLView/
in Apache/
in HTMLView/