Changes for version 0.0.2
- Improved Bot::Net::Script::Net to create the log4perl.conf correctly.
- Refactored Bot::Net::Script::Bot to create new bots rather than run them which is taken care of by Bot::Net::Script::Run.
- Fixed Bot::Net::Script::Net so that it creates "t" directories in new bot net applications.
- Improved Bot::Net::Bot to push Bot::Net::Object onto the caller's @ISA during import.
- Split Bot::Net::Server into two modules: Bot::Net::Server and Bot::Net::Mixin::Server::IRC, so it now more closely resembles the relationship between Bot::Net::Bot and Bot::Net::Mixin::Bot::IRC.
- Added a new net.yml setting: ApplicationName
- Added a new set of states for handling graceful quits for bots and servers via the "on bot quit" and "on bot server" states.
- Added better handling of total shutdown for bots and servers via the new "on bot shutdown" and "on server shutdown" states.
- Added a default_configuration() method to allow mixins to help build a generic base configuration for new bots and test bots.
- Added the ability to store the configuration in a package variable named $CONFIG as an alternative to a YAML configuration file.
- Added Bot::Net::Test for helping built bot net application tests.
- Added a t/TestNet/t/count.t test to the framework.
- Some other clean-up, documentation updates, and minor fixes as well.
A script to manage a Bot::Net application
run your very own IRC bot net
the base class for all Bot::Net bots
the configuration for your bot net
logger for your bot net
encapsulate messages to and from bots
build complex objects my mixing components
mixin class for building IRC bots
mixin class for building IRC servers
facilties common to many Bot::Net objects
implementation of the Bot::Net command-line interface
Create a new bot
Get help using Bot::Net
Create the scaffolding for a new bot net
Run a single server or bot
Startup the Bot::Net IRC Daemon
mixin class for building Bot::Net servers
helper for building Bot::Net tests
miscellaneous utility functions