Changes for version 0.06 - 2007-10-12

  • Made brain_for() of Data::Remember::Hybrid a little more reliable.
  • Added t/06-hybrid-brain_for.t to establish brain_for()'s robustness.
  • Added t/20-yaml-dump.t to reveal a bug in the YAML brain's dump() method.
  • Improved t/20-yaml-load.t to test the YAML brain's load() method.
  • Fixed a bug in the YAML brain's dump() method that prevented it from dumping the brain back out to file properly.
  • Added the remember_these() function for remember a group of things on a single que.
  • Added the recall_and_update() function to allow a fact to be updated and recalled at the same time.
  • Added new tests to t/ to test for the success of remember_these() and recall_and_update().


remember complex information without giving yourself a headache
a long-term memory brain plugin for Data::Remember
a brain for Data::Remember with multiple personalities
a short-term memory brain plugin for Data::Remember
a frozen memory brain plugin for Data::Remember