DustyDB - yet another Moose-based object database


version 0.05


# Declare a model
package Book;
use DustyDB::Object;

has key title => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
has author    => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Author' );

# Declare another model
package Author;
use DustyDB::Object;

has key name => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );

# Get down to business
package main;
use DustyDB;

# Create/connect to the database
my $db = DustyDB->new( path => 'foo.db' );

# Get the model classes used to work with records
my $author = $db->model('Author');
my $book   = $db->model('Book');

    # Create a couple records
    my $the_damian = $author->construct( name => 'Damian Conway' );
    my $pbp        = $book->construct( 
        title  => 'Perl Best Practices', 
        author => $the_damian,

    # Save them to the database

    # See also create() to do construct()->save()

    # Load some records
    my $the_damian = Author->load( 'Damian Conway' );
    my $pbp        = Book->load( 'Perl Best Practicies' );

    # Retrieve some information
    print "TheDamian is ", $the_damian->name, "\n";
    print "His book is ", $pbp->title, "\n";

    # Delete them

    # Collections of records
    my @all_authors = $author->all;
    my @some_books  = $book->all_where( title => qr/^[A-M]/i );

    # Iterate through records
    my $iter = $author->all;
    while (my $an_author = $author->next) {
        print "Author: ", $an_author->name, "\n";


Sometimes, I need to store an eeny-weeny bit of data, but I want it nicely structured with Moose, but I don't want to mess with a bunch of setup and bootstrapping and blah blah blah. I just want to write my script. This provides a mechanism to do that with very little overhead. There are aren't many frills either, so if you want something nicer, you'll have to build on or look into something else.

All the data is stored using DBM::Deep, so if you want to dig deeper into what's going on here, you can open the database using that library without going through DustyDB. Be careful though. This tool doesn't necessarily play nice if the database isn't just exactly what it expects (which is mostly a factor of how little time has gone into it so far).



If you want to initialize the DBM::Deep database used yourself, please supply a "dbm" argument to the new constructor. You can also use this attribute to fetch the underlying DBM::Deep object being used. All data used by DustyDB is stored in this as a hash. The only key of that hash that is used is "models". If you want to store additional information in the database, please avoid that key.

Other keys might be used in the future, I suppose, but I can't know what that would be now so I'm not going to worry about it at the moment.


This is the path to the DBM::Deep database file. This must be supplied to the constructor, even if you supply your own "dbm" parameter.



my $model = $db->model( $model_class_name );

Given a model class name, this returns a DustyDB::Model, which can be used to create model object and immediately save them to the database or load models stored in the database.



Do not use this method unless you really need to. The regular interface is provided through "model". This provides access to the raw records in the database.


Do not use this method unless you really need to. This is used to perform some bootstrapping of the table in the database.


Why DustyDB? Well, I wanted a "dead simple database." DSD. D-S-D. Dusty. DustyDB. Lame or not, it is what it is.