Changes for version 1.09 - 2005-05-18

  • lib/File/System/ Fixed a find() bug that caused it to fail to ever return when a path was passed (instead of using $self).
  • lib/File/System/ Fixed a find() bug that caused it to fail to return anything when a path was passed (instead of using $self).
  • lib/File/System/ Created additional tests within is_glob_and_find_consistent() to check that find() properly handles passed paths and that glob() works the same from the root as from a local object.


A virtual file system written in pure Perl
A file system implementation with "layered" roots
Abstract class that every file system module builds upon
A file system module that delegates work to another
A file system module based on the real file system
A file system implementation for mounting other modules
Module for testing file system drivers