Changes for version 0.011
- COMPATIBILITY: Break compatability with previous versions in that all checks must explicitly set is_valid on the result to affect validation. Previously, setting an error automatically flagged something as invalid, but this is no longer the case.
- Updated the built in features to be more consistent with the control value refactoring that took place in 0.009
- Corrected the isa check to a does check on the action attribute of features.
- Added the has_current_value() method to controls with values to determine if the control actually contains a value after consumption.
- The required control feature depends on has_current_value() now Gathered results will die if you try to gather itself, does not prevent grandchildren from causing a recursive loop, though
- Added more tests and test classes are now run in a random order
- Added the clear_state() method to result classes for clearing success, validity, and content attributes
- Added the use_feature statement to Form::Factory::Processor for adding form features to forms
- Added the require_none_or_all form feature to allow controls to be grouped such that one field being filled requires all related fields to be filled (such as might be useful on a password change form)
a general-purpose form handling API
Role implemented by actions
Form control attribute-traits
The meta-class for form actions
high-level API for working with form controls
The button control
the checkbox control
Helper class for tracking choices
The full_text control
the password control
Controls that list available choices
boolean valued controls
hidden controls
labeled controls
list-valued controls
multiline controls
controls with preset values
scalar valued controls
controls with values
the multi-select control
A control for selecting a single item
A single line text field
A read-only value control
Interface for objects that modify how actions work
Control gets the value of the attribute
A control feature for checking length
Check for choice availability
Greps the control value for correctness
Match a control value against a regex
Makes sure a value is set on a control
Trims whitespace from a control value
A generic feature for actions
if one control has a value, all should
control features that modify the action attribute
control features that modify control construction
features that check control values
features that clean up control values
Form features tied to particular controls
control features with custom messages
features with custom messages
features that run just after processing
features that run just before processing
Role for form interface implementations
Command-line interface builder for form factory
Simple HTML form interface
rendering/consuming HTML controls
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
HTML interface widget helper
Handy class for encapsulating messages
Moos-ish helper for action classes
Tag class for deferred_values
Interface for the result classes
A group of results
Form result class representing a single result
An object responsible for remembering things
Remember things in a Perl hash
in lib/Form/Factory/Action/Meta/Attribute/