Form::Factory::Feature::Role::BuildAttribute - control features that modify the action attribute


version 0.013


package MyApp::Feature::AddPredicate;
our $VERSION = '0.013';

use Moose;

with qw(

sub build_attribute {
    my ($class, $options, $meta, $name, $attr) = @_;
    $attr->{predicate} = 'has_' . $name;

package Form::Factory::Feature::Control::Custom::AddPredicate;
our $VERSION = '0.013';

sub register_implementation { 'MyApp::Feature::FillFromRecord' }


Control features that implement this role are given the opportunity to directly modify the action attribute just before it is added to the meta-class.

This is done by implementing the build_attribute class method. This method will be passed a hash representing the feature arguments for this feature (since the feature will not yet exist as an object). It will then be passed the meta-class object, the name of the attribute being added, and a normalized hash of attribute parameters.

You may use these arguments to manipulate the attribute before it is created, create additional attributes, etc.



The build_attribute method should be implemented something like this:

sub build_attribute {
    my ($class, $options, $meta, $name, $attr) = @_;

    # do something ...

This method is called while the action class is being compiled. This method can be used to modify how the action attribute is created.

The $class is the feature class this subroutine belongs to. The feature will not have been created nearly this early.

The $options are the feature options passed to the has_control statement.

The $meta is the metaclass object that the attribute is about to be added to.

The $name is the name of the attribute being added to the metaclass.

The $attr is the arguments that are about to be passed to the attribute constructor. This the hash of argumentst that will be passed to the attribute constructor shortly. Modifying this hash will change the attribute construction.


Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <>


Copyright 2009 Qubling Software LLC.

This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.