Changes for version 0.06 - 2006-06-25
- Added register_node_types() to Java::JCR::Jackrabbit to allow for very simple node type registration.
- Added t/08-jackrabbit-nodetypes.t and t/nodetypes.cnd to test the new node type registration functionality.
- Updated a few of the Jackrabbit tests to make sure they call logout() on the session when finished to make sure the repository gets shutdown properly.
Use JSR 170 (JCR) repositories from Perl
Base class for all JCR wrappers
Utilities for converting dates
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Credentials
Wrapper for repository exceptions
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Item
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.ItemVisitor
Java::JCR connector for Jackrabbit
Helper utiltiies for going from Perl-to-Java
Load JCR lock extension wrappers
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.lock.Lock
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.NamespaceRegistry
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Node
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.NodeIterator
Load the JCR node type class wrappers
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.ItemDefinition
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeManager
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition
Loads the Perl wrappers associated with JCR observation
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.observation.Event
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.observation.EventIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.observation.EventListener
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.observation.EventListenerIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.observation.ObservationManager
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Property
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.PropertyIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.PropertyType
Loads the JCR wrappers for querying the repository
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.query.Query
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.query.QueryManager
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.query.QueryResult
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.query.Row
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.query.RowIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.RangeIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Repository
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Session
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials
Loads the utilities libraries included with the JCR
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor$Default
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Value
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.ValueFactory
Load the JCR version control wrappers
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.version.OnParentVersionAction
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.version.Version
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.version.VersionHistory
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.version.VersionIterator
Perl wrapper for javax.jcr.Workspace