picasa-list - list albums, photos, tags, or comments from Google Picasa Web
picasa-list [options]
--username <username> the username to login as
--password <password> the password to login with
--kind <kind> "album", "photo", "tag", or "comment"
--user-id <user-id> the user ID to look for albums or photos in
--album-id <album-id> album ID to look in for photos, comments, or tags
--photo-id <photo-id> photo ID to look at for comments or tags
--option <key>=<value> special options: q, location, etc.
--quiet suppress messages
--help get some help
--man get lots of help
This script will list information about albums, photos, tags, or comments found to match the arguments given.
- --username
This is the Google username to use when logging in. This is generally a GMail address or another email address used to login to Google services.
- --password
This is the Google password to use when loggin in.
- --kind
This is the kind of information to pull. There are four possible settings:
- album
This is the default. This will list all the albums matching the authenticated user or user ID given with the --user-id option.
- photo
This will list all the photos matching the authenticated user or user ID given with the --user-id option.
- tag
This will list all the tags matching the authenticated user or user ID given with the --user-id option.
- comment
This will list all the comments made on the authenticated user's account or the one given by --user-id.
- --user-id
This is the Google user ID to list from.
- --album-id
This is the ID of the album to use when listing photos, tags, or comments.
- --photo-id
This is the ID of the photo to use when listing tags or comments.
- --option
This option allows you to specify arbitrary options on the Picasa Web query. To see a list of available options, check "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS" in Net::Google::PicasaWeb.
- --quiet
Suppresses the headings and footer usually given and also doesn't print anything if no results are found.
- --help
Show some of this help stuff.
- --man
Show lots of help.
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp, <hanenkamp at>
Copyright 2008 Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.